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Big bore air guns | Can we getlicense for them

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:17 pm
by gverma
Do the current license rules allow possesion of big bore and very powerful air guns in India ?
Something like .5 or bigger with ore power or are they banned altogether.

Re: Big bore air guns | Can we getlicense for them

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 3:29 pm
first of all, why do you need more power in airgun ?

due to laws prevailling in this country nobody needs or requires more/the most powerful air wepon in INDIA :idea:

you query Smells fishy..... :mrgreen:

any way why don't you go for powder burner for power and keep airguns as a precise equipment of placing projectile at intended place ( of cource you need to afford hefty price for precision)

technically you are eligible to get license for the same , but I guess your grand-children will accompaney you at the licensing office for your application :D :D
