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Authority to carry Firearms

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:22 pm
by james02
Can an arms licence holder carry other licence holders Firearms.(Not for repair or transport)

James H

Re: Authority to carry Firearms

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:25 pm
by MoA
Not that I know of, unless you are endorsed as a reatainer.

Re: Authority to carry Firearms

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:47 pm
by nagarifle
yes under section 3 of the arms act. it states that

"3. Licence for acquisition and possession of firearms and ammunition

(1) No person shall acquire, have in his possession, or carry any firearm or ammunition unless he holds in this behalf a licence issued in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder:

Provided that a person may, without himself holding a licence, carry any firearm or ammunition in the presence, or under the written authority, of the holder of the licence for repair or for renewal of the licence or for use by such holder. ... r_1_2.html

Re: Authority to carry Firearms

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:52 pm
by james02
Do we have any authority letter format for these situations or what should that letter of authority say .

Example of a situation:If i want to use my uncle's shotgun,like taking it to the range.(he cant accompany me,but both are Firearms license holders)

Where can we endorse it,by the way what does this retainer mean ?.

James H

Re: Authority to carry Firearms

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:49 pm
by nagarifle
james02 wrote:Do we have any authority letter format for these situations or what should that letter of authority say .

Example of a situation:If i want to use my uncle's shotgun,like taking it to the range.(he cant accompany me,but both are Firearms license holders)

Where can we endorse it,by the way what does this retainer mean ?.
James H
hi James
check out the link below:

a retainer is someone who holds/takes care/ of your firearm. ie your driver/bodyguard etc or member of your family can also be a retainer. one needs to have that person endorse on ones license. and the retainer should also be verified by the police etc before being endorsed.


Re: Authority to carry Firearms

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:55 pm
by winnie_the_pooh
A license holder can lend his firearm to another person who has a license for a similar firearm for a limited period of time.So if a person has a licnese for a DBBL 12 ga shotgun,he can borrow another licensees 12 ga DBBL shotgun.

Look under the 'Terms and Conditions" section of the license booklet