One firearm per license ??

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One firearm per license ??

Post by The Doc » Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:27 pm


Disturbing as it sounds, I read on a certain forum this morning that the government is thinking of reducing three firearms per license to one firearm per license !! Now I don't think it will happen , it sounds absurd . It possibly is a rumour . Any truth in it ? Comments?


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Re: One firearm per license ??

Post by jaz » Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:43 pm


Sir really disturbing ,
I think I will have to shift back to CA (NO OPTIONS)MY love for firearms is increasing day by day
& GOVT of India interest is decreasing day by day :D

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Re: One firearm per license ??

Post by tarzanboy73 » Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:08 pm

Dear Doc,

I am now confused... :D . Please clear the following doubts and tell me where I have done something wrong!!

I have just applied for a license. I wanted to be able to carry the weapon I eventually purchase , therefore asked for a FORM III license.

In type of weapon, I wrote pistol/ revolver.

Now when I get the license, if I wish to buy two pistols do I need to apply for another license? What If I want a shot gun as well. Do i need to submit it for endorsement ? or can I just buy three weapons on one license???

if anyone else can help ...please do!!!

man, I wish I could change our archaic arms laws!!!


tarzan :D

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Re: One firearm per license ??

Post by kanwar76 » Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:30 pm


I don't think you license will mention either Pistol/Revlover or caliber. IIRC You can buy any NPB small arm but to get a shotgun you have to apply for a shotgun license and same for rifle. On one license you can buy only one type of firearm. You have to apply again if you want to buy shotgun or rifle.

Please don't hizack threads. You can start a new thread if you want to ask a question.

On the topic. government can do anything if there is no or not enough opposition for that so hold on tight to your guns gents.. you never know when somethickhead decide to take them away. :evil:

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Re: One firearm per license ??

Post by tarzanboy73 » Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:00 pm

Ok. I hope that is the case. Can any one else concur please.

As regarding hijacking a thread, am sorry, dont know what that means :D . I was just asking Doc to clarify something, based on his post. if i have broken any forum etiquette, i apologise.

and Inder, I love your qoutation " i am the saint....." where did u get it from? attributable to anyone or is it u r own?



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Re: One firearm per license ??

Post by kanwar76 » Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:17 am

Hi Tarzan,

Hijacking a thread means "Asking your own questions not entirely related to the thread" this thread was for government’s effort to reduce numbers of firearms held by a Indian.

But I think I jumped the gun too early. I realize now where your question came from.

Regarding my signatures, these are from a poem.

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Re: One firearm per license ??

Post by mundaire » Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:13 pm

Doc, your information is correct. I've had this information for the better part of a month, but so far had not shared it in public as I did not want to be the cause of a needless scare. There is indeed a proposal doing the rounds at the Min of Home, which amongst other things recommends limiting the maximum no. of firearms per person to one, making the licensing process even stricter etc. However, as per the latest information I have with me, this has been stalled for the time being, in no small measure through the efforts of a gentleman shooter who is also a Member of Parliament.

So while there is no immediate threat, gun owners in India should take this as a wake up call and start doing something real soon - to ensure that their voice is heard in future!

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Re: One firearm per license ??

Post by nm » Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:07 am

Very bad news.....

Must pitch in to avoid this type of a scenario.....


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Re: One firearm per license ??

Post by amk » Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:06 pm

How wonderful. The majestic talks after 26/11 of easing up the system and issuing more licenses was a sham then, this is such wonderful news. I will for the first time in my life sleep soundly knowing someone in my building has only one gun instead of three.

I propose something even better, why don't we just do away with guns & knives completely, if the public wants to protect themselves let them use Caties (that catapult kind of chidlren's toy). The Govt. can start manufacturing this at the OFB and sell at a 100% margin to people who obtain a license for these. Limit the maximum no. permissible to three in case the first two break. Reduce the wait period to 6 months and three months to people who supply their own wood and rubber bands.

Mundaire, can you get some more information about this? Who the proposer is (dept. or individual), the context and need of this, at what stage has it reached, etc. Under the Info laws even proposals are covered by the RTI act if I'm not mistaken.
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Re: One firearm per license ??

Post by jaz » Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:21 pm

We people were thinking that congress will see toward lifting of import ban, after this news of one I think god will lift us beforeimport ban lifted.

We are helpless creatures.

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Re: One firearm per license ??

Post by Risala » Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:13 pm

amk wrote:
Mundaire, can you get some more information about this? Who the proposer is (dept. or individual), the context and need of this, at what stage has it reached, etc. Under the Info laws even proposals are covered by the RTI act if I'm not mistaken.
This was perhaps initiated by CAFI..... ... trol_india

These folks are the local chapter of IANSA and keep making noise from time to perhaps justify the funds they recieve....all they do is meet in swanky clubs like the India Habitat Center,India International Center every now and then and think they are making a difference ....what they need to focus on is the illegal weapons trade,since 99.99% of the crimes in India take place using them....
would love to see how our MP's & MLA's view this proposal since majority of them have a penchant for owning quality fire arms incl bespoke...bought at throwaway prices...

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Re: One firearm per license ??

Post by mundaire » Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:36 am

Sanjay is right, CAFI is currently one of the biggest threats to legal gun ownership in this country, and unlike us gun owners, they are organised, well funded and are consistently working towards having their case heard in the right circles! On the other hand, we are completely disorganised, have zero funds, and everyone is out to ensure that his own personal case is heard/ pushed forward - to hell with a common cause! People speak out till the time their individual licenses are made/ applications approved and once that is done - they suddenly cease to care for RKBA... "My thing got done, what do I care if anyone else gets his permit or not!" etc.

About time our brethren woke up and united as one to ensure that we don't end up applying for licenses to own catapults and sticks! :evil:

Do I see this happening any time soon? Not really, our fellow gun owners seem to be more interested in ensuring that their own personal agendas are fulfilled and no one seems to give a rats a** as to the common good... that's India for you - eh? And then people complain that no one is doing anything to change the status quo! Well, as an individual citizen, what are YOU doing/ planning to do?!

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Re: One firearm per license ??

Post by Vikram » Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:45 am

There is a provision to respond to that article.I just did and I note that a few others did too.If any of you wish to make your feelings known,please do.Also, may I humbly suggest that please refrain from using any offensive language?It would only hurt our cause.

As Abhijeet very pointedly asks, what is one willing to do at individual capacity to spread the word?Time to give it a thought.

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Re: One firearm per license ??

Post by Vikram » Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:09 am

CC and others, you nailed it mates. :cheers:

Please educate them and let them know what legal gun ownership is about and how misdirected their energies and efforts are.Thank you.

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Re: One firearm per license ??

Post by amk » Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:55 am

Guys, I plan on doing something hence I ask for the details.
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