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Import of shotgun barrels

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:45 pm
by penpusher

Muzzle loading guns

Import of telescopic sights

Any idea about the notifications mentioned regarding import of shotgun barrels

Any Delhi based member upto getting a copy of them


Re: Import of shotgun barrels

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 12:13 am
by kanwar76
Is it only me :? :?

Nothing is coming up


Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 12:44 am
by eljefe
What do you need and who to contact in Delhi?
your links are empty...
PM me any add or contact no ?

Re: Import of shotgun barrels

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 12:49 am
by penpusher
Sorry,did not check the links.It seems you will have to go to and type out the relevant ITC(HS) code.
Will try to copy and paste the relevant entries


Re: Import of shotgun barrels

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:00 am
by penpusher
Exim Code Item Description Policy Condition relating to the policy
93031000 Muzzle loading
firearms Free Import subject to the condition

that the requirements specified in the MHA Notification No.S.O.667(E) dated 12.09.1985 and Notification No.S.O.831(E) dated 2.8.2002 are fulfilled and also that the purchaser /user of these items shall obtain requisite user

Exim Code Item Description Policy Condition relating to the policy
93052100 Shotgun barrels Free Import subject to the condition that
the requirements specified in the MHA Notification No.S.O.667(E) dated 12.09.1985 and Notification No.S.O.831(E) dated 2.8.2002 are fulfilled and also that the purchaser /user of these items shall obtain requisite user

Code Item Description Policy Condition relating to the policy
90131010 Telescopic sights
for fitting to arms Restricted


Re: Import of shotgun barrels

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:11 am
by penpusher

There is an office near CP that supplies copies of all govt. notifications.Will try to get the address.Have not been there but a friend has and says that unlike other govt. offices,they seem to be more organized.


Re: Import of shotgun barrels

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:40 am
by mehulkamdar

This is VERY interesting news. If you gentlemen want some fine muzzleloaders, there are several superb muzzleloaders available here very cheap and capable of fantastic performance. as you may know, in most of the US no license is required for muzzleloaders and if you want a group buy and someone is ready to co-ordinate on the IFG, I could get you a superb price for some fantastic rifles. The top of the line are the Savage 110 MLs which can shoot both smokeless and black powder and develop as much power as a 30-06 rifle. In double rifles there are several Italian and American double muzzleloading rifles some which could take 200 grain BP loads for tremendous power - I use 90 grains as a deer load and Mark uses an 80 grain load - for comparison. There are also specialised benchrest muzzleloaders available here with spark plug ignition capable of accuracy that would blow peoples' minds away.

If you want muzzleloading handguns there are loads of fine revolvers available and a British company also makes a match pistol for Olympic match which is a muzzleloader - an incredibly accurate design that allows British shooters to participate in Olympic events in their own country.

Let me know if you guys want to do a joint buy - we can work on this. I can also get the NMLRA to endorse and support this programme in India.



Re: Import of shotgun barrels

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 3:51 am
by kanwar76
penpusher";p="5699 wrote:
Exim Code Item Description Policy Condition relating to the policy
93052100 Shotgun barrels Free Import subject to the condition that
the requirements specified in the MHA Notification No.S.O.667(E) dated 12.09.1985 and Notification No.S.O.831(E) dated 2.8.2002 are fulfilled and also that the purchaser /user of these items shall obtain requisite user

Hi penpusher,

What are the requirements specified in the MHA Notification No.S.O.667(E) dated 12.09.1985 and Notification No.S.O.831(E) dated 2.8.2002. I suspect its something like Importer should have Arms License.. I am just guessing here. So does than mean that anybody with an arms license can import shotgun barrel? :? :?

PS: I've tried google but no help.

Re: Import of shotgun barrels

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:04 am
by Sujay

The notification of 1985 is the infamous notification to ban all arms import through courier / post and being bought by returning Indians.

And the one of 2002 is most probably related to licencing aurhority / procedure ( I am not very sure though).

You will not find the notifications anywhere on net though. I have devoted about a month to search for them in addition to writing to MHA , which needless to say went unanswered. The only option is to visit the shop in Delhi which penpusher refers to get a copy.

Re: Import of shotgun barrels

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:29 pm
by amit888_2000
I need notification for shotgun barrels import

1) MHA Notification No. S.O.667 (E) dated 12.09.1985
2) MHA Notification No. S.O.831 (E) dated 2.08.2002

Re: Import of shotgun barrels

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:19 pm
by goodboy_mentor

Re: Import of shotgun barrels

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:23 pm
by MoA
mehulkamdar wrote:penpusher,

This is VERY In double rifles there are several Italian and American double muzzleloading rifles some which could take 200 grain BP loads for tremendous power - I use 90 grains as a deer load and Mark uses an 80 grain load - for comparison. Mehul
200 grains? That would definetely hurt. I use about 65 grains under a 475 grain lead bullet in my .45-70 and wouldnt describe the recoil as overly pleasent.

However back on topic, even if you can import muzzle loaders, where do you get the powder and caps from? The projectlies are easily cast.

Re: Import of shotgun barrels

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:46 am
by mundaire
Lead shot, Black powder & Percussion caps (available in at least 2 different sizes) can be purchased (from many arms dealers) against an arms license endorsed for "ML Gun". ML = Muzzle Loading. Very few (if any) dealers in big cities stock this, as such licenses are almost exclusively held by farmers for the purpose of crop protection, but go to small towns and you should be able to find dealers selling the required components.



Re: Import of shotgun barrels

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:12 pm
by amit888_2000
Got Both the notifications........from MHA arms section...........

now when it says certain provisions of MHA means.....only a renowned shot in that category can import a spare shotgun barell....

it is same like Import of pallets are custom free. Quantity allowed only to renowned shooters only 15,000 pallets that is 30 tins...
