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Suppressors on airguns?
Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:14 pm
by mundaire
I have a question for all - as airguns are exempted from the provisions of the Arms Act (as per item no. 1(3) of schedule (ii) OF GSR 991 of the India Arms Act 1959), does that mean that airguns may legally have suppressors (silencers in general parlance) installed on them?
Logically it makes sense, since airguns are not considered firearms by law; therefore one would assume that the provision prohibiting the use of any device that reduces the report/ flash of a firearm would not apply to airguns.
Anyone have any opinions/ further information on this?
Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:33 pm
by cherian.k.k
diana has suppreessors, G.smith being their dealer
i think ifg members in pune should ask this .
Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:48 pm
by nagarifle
i would think that its a very very tricky question. from my understanding and as pointed out that only on firearms is suppreessors outlawed.
is airrifle a fire arm? yes and no. as i am aware that there is a fps, above which you would need to have firearms prmit. This i am sure is overlooked by many. Thus based on this i would have thought that air rifle question comes in two sections.
1/ up to and under the max fps. No fire arms permit is needed.
2/ above the max fps. for which fire arms permit is needed.
so based on this i would say that in 1 above its ok to have suppressor.
in two above i would say no way amigo. but and its a big but,
play it safe and go for suppreessors are outlawed. full stop. even on air rifle.
reason. da law says that suppreessors hids the muzzel flesh reduces the sound etc. which i think means on any weapon, hence no no. since i am not aware of any cases regarding suppreessors on air rifle has made the headling or court issue.
so going back to the main question, i would say that we would have to interpert that to mean all firearms inculding air rifle. as the law may interpert (sorry for the spelling)it in spirt and all so in comman sence as any type of suppreessors which block/prevent sound and viusal effects.
hope i have helped to make this as clear as mud.
Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:04 am
by advitiyas
I am confused, What sort of airgun produce so much of sound and How can we suppress it?
Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:56 am
by mundaire
advitiyas";p="38333 wrote:I am confused, What sort of airgun produce so much of sound and How can we suppress it?
You have obviously not heard someone shooting a PCP (pre-charged pneumatic) airgun! They make a real racket and are often times louder than .22 LR rifles (at least the limited no. of ones I've seen/ used)... and especially considering the confines of a 10m range a suppressor is an easy way to ensure that your neighbours and your own hearing is not damaged! (most people DO NOT wear any hearing protection on the 10m air-guns only range - at least I have not come across any)
Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:00 pm
by advitiyas
thanks for ur reply.