Exporting Gun from India

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Exporting Gun from India

Post by sugill » Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:01 am

Hello, I'm new to IFG and I need help.
What is the best and easiest way to export a gun from India?
Is there a trustworthy dealer that can do this for me or I'm on my own?

My dad owned an L.C. Smith shotgun, He passed away two years ago. the gun is stored at a gun house.
I'm US Citizen, Do I need to get an Arms license in India.
To carry the gun across the state lines, Do I need national endorsement.

This is an old and well-used gun, and, it's probably not worth anything.
But it holds a lot of sentimental value for me, this gun belongs to my great-grandfather.

All the help is immensely appreciated.
Sam Gill

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Re: Exporting Gun from India

Post by goodboy_mentor » Wed Nov 07, 2018 8:37 am

For "possessing" or carrying the gun, you need license. You can posses or carry the gun only within the area mentioned in the license. If area validity of license is within the state, then you will have to get area validity extended to other state or states. Or get a temporary travel permit for those states. If you do not intend to live in your ancestral homeland, I do not think it is worth to waste your time, money and effort into getting license. Probably it is better to let the gun stay with any trustworthy arms dealer and let him do all the legal paper work and export it to you. From what I have understood, the process of export of gun is simple one. You may search this forum, matter has been discussed in detail. Probably Vikram or mundaire know the intricate details of the process involved. Hopefully they may reply. If they do not reply here within a reasonable time, you may PM them as a last resort.
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Re: Exporting Gun from India

Post by Vikram » Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:33 am

To the best of my knowledge, firearms for which ammunition is available in India cannot be exported. A 12-bore gun is hardly uncommon. I would think this is going to be VERY difficult.

I would ask Mundaire to chip in.
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Re: Exporting Gun from India

Post by sugill » Thu Nov 08, 2018 7:13 am

Thank you both for your quick response, It's not what I want to hear but facts are facts, no denying that.
Is it possible to get Arms License for a non-Indian citizen?

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Re: Exporting Gun from India

Post by Vikram » Thu Nov 08, 2018 4:42 pm

sugill wrote:Thank you both for your quick response, It's not what I want to hear but facts are facts, no denying that.
Is it possible to get Arms License for a non-Indian citizen?
It is possible. I think it was done by a few.
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Re: Exporting Gun from India

Post by goodboy_mentor » Thu Nov 08, 2018 5:41 pm

Vikram wrote:To the best of my knowledge, firearms for which ammunition is available in India cannot be exported. A 12-bore gun is hardly uncommon. I would think this is going to be VERY difficult.
This type of restriction was there for imports by arms dealers to protect the government owned glorious IOF and the few private manufacturers. Probably you are mistaking exports with imports. As far I can recall export is comparatively very easy and simple, especially the non commercial export.
sugill wrote:Thank you both for your quick response, It's not what I want to hear but facts are facts, no denying that.
Is it possible to get Arms License for a non-Indian citizen?
Legally there is no bar on non citizens, but you need to understand when citizens don't easily get arms license, it is going to be very difficult for non citizen. The problem creators for your export will be Customs at the airport or sea port. If you are serious about taking the gun to America, just inquire from Directorate General of Foreign Trade because Customs is controlled by them. You may also check the EXIM Policy from the Directorate General of Foreign Trade website. Find out if there are any export restrictions for privately held firearms in EXIM Policy? if yes what are they? Alternatively you may inquire from arms dealer or any person who has done this type of thing in the past.
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Re: Exporting Gun from India

Post by sugill » Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:30 am

Thanks, goodboy_mentor for the information, I'll google Directorate-General website for further information.

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Re: Exporting Gun from India

Post by xl_target » Thu Nov 22, 2018 7:01 am

You could try contacting Simpson Ltd.
They import and export guns from and into the USA.
They might not offer what you want but at least it's worth sending them an email.

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Re: Exporting Gun from India

Post by mundaire » Fri Nov 23, 2018 9:58 am

For export you will need to first get a certificate from ASI (Archaeological Survey of India), certifying that the item (gun in present case) is NOT an antique. This is usually not a difficult task.

Secondly guns of "common and popular bore" are usually not permitted to be exported, though I think this restriction isn't always imposed, so you can certainly try.

Lastly, I would suggest you get an arms dealer (who has done/ does this) to do all of the paperwork for you, it will be too painful to do yourself.

Many dealers across the country did a lot of exports of fine guns, when the limit of 3 was introduced in the early 1980's. Literally container loads of guns were exported in those days. However, that trade has declined to almost negligible now, so you will need to look for a dealer willing to take the trouble on your behalf. A friend who has exported some of his guns used a dealer in Jaipur, Rajasthan, I'll ask him for the name if you want. However, there should be dealers in most big cities who can do this for you.

You'll need to do the paperwork in USA, if any is required.

Once the paperwork is completed, the gun will be sent to you/ an FFL of your choice by air freight.

I can assure you that the cost of exporting the gun will be much more than the value of the gun in USA, which is likely a couple of hundred dollars at most.

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Re: Exporting Gun from India

Post by [email protected] » Sat Jan 09, 2021 10:12 am

@mundaire/ Abhijeet: I have the same question as @sugill/ Sam Gill.

It would be great if you could send me the details of the dealer in Jaipur who has experience with this.

@sugill/ Sam: did you have any luck with this?

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Re: Exporting Gun from India

Post by dc_newbie » Sun Aug 28, 2022 8:50 am

Just checking to see if there are any updates on your case? Were you able to get the gun overseas?

I am in a similar boat - US resident with 3 guns inherited from 2-3 generations. When my Dad passed away, I put in the time and lots and lots and lots of effort and then some more to get my license. Had to start with a week long home guard training. Renewing it every three years is also quite the hassle. I am now torn between selling them in India or importing them to the US. I live in a state where guns are easily available and no issues keeping them here. It's the process of getting them out of India.

Appreciate any update from either of the folks who were looking to import the inherited guns to the US.

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Re: Exporting Gun from India

Post by shooter50 » Sun Aug 28, 2022 2:03 pm

You need a certification from the ASI that the weapon does not classify as an antique according to the Antiquities Act. Once you have this permission an export permit is needed from the DGFT. Theoretically it is all straigtforward, and simple but India being what it is one needs to grease palms to move paper.
Narender Sharma of Rajasthan Gun House Jaipur, has made a fortune picking up old weapons from the princely States and selling them abroad especially to Westley Richards. He could help you but I doubt if he will do it for a single weapon. Try the local DGFT office for the procedure. Sometimes Government offices are surprisingly efficient and honest.

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Re: Exporting Gun from India

Post by dc_newbie » Wed Aug 31, 2022 2:30 am

shooter50 wrote:
Sun Aug 28, 2022 2:03 pm
You need a certification from the ASI that the weapon does not classify as an antique according to the Antiquities Act. Once you have this permission an export permit is needed from the DGFT. Theoretically it is all straigtforward, and simple but India being what it is one needs to grease palms to move paper.
Narender Sharma of Rajasthan Gun House Jaipur, has made a fortune picking up old weapons from the princely States and selling them abroad especially to Westley Richards. He could help you but I doubt if he will do it for a single weapon. Try the local DGFT office for the procedure. Sometimes Government offices are surprisingly efficient and honest.
Thanks a ton for all of the details! Quick question - ASI as in sub inspector form the local arms licensing branch?

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Re: Exporting Gun from India

Post by shooter50 » Wed Aug 31, 2022 12:38 pm

No, ASI as in Archeological Survey of India. 😊

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Re: Exporting Gun from India

Post by dc_newbie » Wed Aug 31, 2022 9:45 pm

shooter50 wrote:
Wed Aug 31, 2022 12:38 pm
No, ASI as in Archeological Survey of India. 😊
Ha ha...I was not even close :lol: Thanks a ton for your answers!

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