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Help needed[customs]:Importing bows to India

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:35 pm
by Scarecrow3
Dear all,

Greetings. I've been following this website for over a year and a half now and have come to admire the sheer passion and knowledge most of the members here possess.

I originally intended this thread to be a sort of guide for importing bows(typically compound bows and crossbows) via courier into India. Unfortunately, the bow i bought, a Diamond Infinite Edge pro compound bow has been detained by Bangalore customs for the past 10 days. Today i got a notification saying it's been detained by the customs. On calling them, they seemed very ambiguius about the reason and told me to call back on monday.

As a student in a faraway land and an avid archery/shooting enthusiast i hereby appeal to any member who can help me in any manner to step forwad and do so. I will be really grateful. Most of us have at some point or another been subjected to the grinding gears of frustration when dealing with the bureaucracy and i am probably the most recent victim of it :roll:


Re: Help needed[customs]:Importing bows to India

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 3:59 pm
by shashankgowda92
hello scarecrow,
I Just wanted to know the status of your shipment. Is it still being detained at the customs? have they imposed any custom duties on it? if yes, what the duty rate? I have ordered Diamond archery carbon cure along with a few other accessories like release, stabilizers and stuff. so please enlighten me here.
thanks :o