Bureaucracy trouble as usual..
AL has been applied in district. Requirement was for a handgun for personal protection as my friend is in construction (carry bulk cash) and his agricultural properties are located in remote area. There has been many instance of robberies and break in his farm vicinity, including in the farm house of Ex-MLA.
Yesterday my friend got a call from the local police station to meet up for verification for Arms License application made some 2 months ago. Constable has asked to meet the CI (Circle Inspector and SHO of the area) for further interview.
CI has asked for the reason for application and area of business dealings. And advised the respective constable to reply NOT RECOMMENDED. And send back to LA.
Well to my knowledge, respective police authority does not have the authority to recommend or deny. But his duty is limited to verify the details provided are true - residence, character of the application and any case pending, closed etc. And Not Recommended kinda feedback this poor thing may have to go through hard time convincing LA for his need.
I have shared some links from IFG on FAQ to expect from the police dept and some court decisions.. Any more suggestion in the above case and next course of action will be appreciated..
Well I forgot to mention, there was a good sign that these guys wanted their palms greased.

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi