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MHA extends the definition of heirs

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:02 pm
by mundaire
In a minor (positive) modification of the infamous MHA order dated 31/03/2010 (issued 06/04/2010), the Govt. has extended the definition of family members entitled to seek grant of license under the category "transfer of family heirloom". Relevant order attached.

Courtesy IFG member sat.


Re: MHA extends the definition of heirs

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 1:16 am
by goodboy_mentor
Only if the licensing authorities decide to "obey" these orders, only then the grandchildren will get licenses. Else they may have to approach High Court for writ as usual. If one reads the link below, then it appears the licensing authorities are not even issuing arms licenses to sons under the family heirloom category despite these MHA orders