HydNawab";p="16419 wrote:So why doesn't the Govt. understand such a silly thing?
I do not have the details memorized, so allow me some variance...
In the USA, our 'seat of govt' ie. Wash-DC basically "banned all guns"
some 20-odd years ago... the crime/assault/murder rates have been
higher and increased during this time-period...
Just a matter of weeks ago, there is an effort to remove the "ban"
to permit people to protect themselves...
(Other cities/area in the US have serious trouble, too: California, Mass, Illinois, NewYork... )
Some areas are making a little progress to get recognition for the
basic rights that should be understood in the first-place...
for example, Florida inacted a 'Castle Doctrine' a year or two ago...
to permit a clearer "assumption" of self-defense out-side the home.
Texas just signed the same thing into law a few days ago, to take
effect in a few weeks...
I, obviously, do not have an answer or reply to your situation.
I am not 'world traveled', but I am interested in knowing more.
I presume I enjoy an environment that permits more FireArm-use
than most of the world (perhaps: Switzerland)... but it is still a
society with many individual people that mis-understand and are
"afraid" of what they do not know(FireArms, spiders, snakes, tigers...).
It seems that all-to-often, the "politician/govt" will seek to maintain
it position of "power/control" by gathering the collective-fear/ignorant-mood
of the majority of the people for their support.
I frequently read the blog of
he has written a few books on the correlation of CrimeRate -vs- Guns
and shows that personal-possession of firearms for self-defense
relates to a reduced crime rate when responsible-citizens can defend
themselves... because the "police" are only able to come to the scene
of a crime and investigate what has already happened.
In the USA, it is estimated, that some 2-million crimes ARE AVOIDED
each year by individuals having possession of a defense firearm.
** This represents situations where something DID NOT happen
and WAS NOT reported... because what criminal is going to run to
the police and say his attempted robber/assault was stopped by
a defense-gun-possession... and what citizen is going to undergo the
investigation by the police of their firearm-display when a crime was
not committed...
Please forgive my rambling... but the problems you mention are
part of each society... in varying degrees and situations.
I try to support the continued acceptance of firearms thru calm and
intelligent education when someone is receptive... the opponents
have no need to know what my opinion is...