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Tranfer of .30 M1 CARBINE

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:30 pm
by carbine
my grandfather (Retd.I.A.S) own .30M1 can carbine liecense transferred to my father .many arms dealer have told me the transfer of .30M1 Carbine or any oTher PB weapon is next to impossible is this true

Re: Tranfer of .30 M1 CARBINE

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:24 pm
by mundaire
Apply for a license under transfer of family heirloom basis, it will (the application) first be vetted by the local Licensing Authority, then forwarded to the State Home Deptt. with recommendations, who in turn will (if they deem fit) forward it to the Min. of Home Affairs, Govt. of India with their own recommendations. The final decision will of course be made by the MHA, who have the final say on whether to issue/ deny the application.

