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Deletion of section 13 (2-A) of d Arms Act 1959

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:11 am
by beinganilkumar
On 15th July cabinet approves deletion of section 13 (2-A) of d Arms Act 1959. Now, no arms licence can be granted without police verification report & its mandatory for police to submit report to the licensing authority within 60 days failing which police official concerned is liable for action .

Re: Deletion of section 13 (2-A) of d Arms Act 1959

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:17 pm
by goodboy_mentor
This is nothing but slow and steady creeping disarmament of law abiding people over the years.
police official concerned is liable for action
Above means absolutely nothing in legal language. What kind of action? Will he be dismissed? Will his promotion be affected? Or just a verbal rebuke? Or just a wink?
Please details of this topic refer: ... 72&start=0

Re: Deletion of section 13 (2-A) of d Arms Act 1959

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:42 pm
by snIPer
Also if I am not mistaken, police verification is still a must but there is no time limit specified for it.

Re: Deletion of section 13 (2-A) of d Arms Act 1959

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:59 pm
by Anand
Pardon my ignorance, but why is this being specifically mentioned?
Does this mean that the Cabinet Did Not approve the rest of the proposed amendments/policy changes or is it just a statement of facts? A little elaboration for people like me :? ...

Re: Deletion of section 13 (2-A) of d Arms Act 1959

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:32 pm
by goodboy_mentor
As per my understanding, the MHA did not go ahead with complete set of amendments to Arms Act as desired by it originally, because of objections sent by all of us by January 6, 2010(In a way we were successful in stopping the draconian amendments). Hence complete set of amendments as originally proposed by MHA never went to cabinet. Instead MHA has found alternative way to do the same thing by the way of giving a notification instead of amendments(Since Arms Act gives practically unlimited powers to executive(Arms Act is suffering from vice of over delegation of powers) ).
For the deletion of Section 13(2A) it is taking the help of an ongoing case in Supreme Court to push its hidden agenda. Only this part has been referred to cabinet. Please refer following for details of the case: and