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Legal points on ammo purchased

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:24 am
by Ticky
Hi All!

The dealer from whom I purchased .32 ammo for my pistol told me that there was no need for me to declare about the ammo purchased to my local police station, but the writer at the station had advised me other wise when I had gone there to get my newly purchased pistol registered in their records. Also, I would like to know whether it is compulsory for us to keep track and records of the used ammo?

Re: Legal points on ammo purchased

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:04 pm
by nagarifle
as per the new policy one should keep track of the ammo used where and when, and only needs to be reported to the DM etc. ASAIK no need or is required by the Arms act to inform policy when the ammo is purchased.