Applying for an Arms License in India

The legal aspects of owning, shooting, importing arms/ ammo and other related legal aspects as well as any other legal queries. Please note: This INCLUDES all arms licensing issues/ queries!
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Need help in procuring an arms license

Post by dhruv67 » Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:47 pm

Hi everyone,

My name is Dhruv and I am based in Bangalore. I have recently joined this forum. Like everyone present in this forum; I am too very passionate about firearms.

I have recently started working and I finally saved enough to buy a gun. The problem is that I dont have a license and am not sure what the procedure to get one is.

I will be very grateful if some one could provide me with some links or preferably phone numbers of agents who could help me in my pursuit.


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Re: Need help in procuring an arms license

Post by Prabhath » Thu Oct 16, 2008 9:57 pm

Welcome aboard Dhruv. Go through the earlier posts on licensing and you should be able to get all the information you need. Please avoid so called agents at all costs. There is a set procedure in place for applying for licenses and no short cuts available.Don't trust anyone who might tell you so.

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Re: Applying for an Arms License in India

Post by dhruv67 » Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:02 pm

Hey all..

Thanks a tonne for replying to my post. Will get down to it right away.BTW typically how long does it take to obtain a license.


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Post by snIPer » Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:19 pm

Depends. mine is 8 months in the process and still ongoing.
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Post by ragunnaath » Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:07 pm

nagarifle";p="34079 wrote:Hi Abhijeet
thanks for that, i followed the link, good work there. :lol:
However i did not find the soultion to my Q. what i am trying to find out is that; on the application form, when applying for firearms, there is one part around the end of the form, section 12, which states
"in which form licence is required" what does this mean? i an trying not to be pain in the rifle butt. :twisted: i just do not understand what this means! or to what this refers to. please advice.

Hi Naga,

Not sure if you got the answer to your question on what to fill up under Section 12 for "In which form License is required", but thought I'd help.

When I applied for an Arms Lic, I was asked to fill in my choice of Pistol or Revolver, and I filled in Pistol.



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Arms License

Post by Rottmeister » Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:45 pm

Dear Mr. Singh and IFG Veterans,

I've had two life attempts on me till now, the first one being in Sept 2004 and the next on this year, May 2008. The reason is our house, which, a local builder is trying to get hold of with an aid from my own uncle to promote it to a highrise. We've had several offers and countless threats from him on the denial of offers. It is my uncle who hired the local goons to put an end to my life as well as my brother's and my dog's. Now, I love both of them too much and though I succeeded last time to chase them away with my baseball bat and nun-chuck, problems haven't receded till now; in fact, now it's the local party office that's giving support to both the people aforementioned. The police was informed but they refused to take our complaint but advised us to get things settled in an "under-the-table" manner.

Someone told me that if I can show my property is worth 1 crore, then I shall be granted a license for a handgun. Is this true? I cannot show that there had been attempts since the police refused to take the complaint and the wounds have also healed up now.

Please help me.
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Re: Arms License

Post by Anand » Sun Dec 07, 2008 3:03 pm

My sympathies are with you. The Police cannot refuse to take a complaint according to the Law. But since this happens, there is a procedure to go to Court if they refuse to take the complaint. You should contact a good lawyer and explain the situation.

Also there is a procedure to obtain a firearm license by court order if the Police refuse it. The conditions are that you must pass the verification/background check process. However, it may be easier to use influence to get the license.

This is because, for the Court to pass an order, there has to be a situation where you were refused a license on baseless grounds. As far as I know, the court can not issue the license directly, it can only order the Police to do so. It can take upto 2 years for this, therefore the above advice to use influence.

I am not a lawyer so my advice is only academic, please contact a good lawyer immediately!!


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Re: Arms License

Post by diskaon » Sun Dec 07, 2008 4:03 pm

Go to a good lawyer and file a case of criminal intimidation (i think its section 506) against the builder and other parties. Getting a gun in such a situation would only increase the chances of you being being behind bars for "misuse" of your weapon and your house will then be taken easily by them.

On a lighter note, with the recession hitting the real estate segment so much.. i dont think any sane builder would want to build any new project in the next 2 years. So I think your threat has reduced.


disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, so you need not take my advice regarding the filing of a case. Its what I might have done in a similar situation.
klick klack..... diskaon


Re: Applying for an Arms License in India

Post by penpusher » Sun Dec 07, 2008 4:21 pm


My sympathies.My suggestion,get an armed private security guard till such time as you are able to get a license for a firearm.As far as being the owner of a property worth a specific sum of money as being the basis for granting a license,it is incorrect.

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Re: Applying for an Arms License in India

Post by raj » Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:03 pm

I applied for my licence in last december(07) for Sports...i finally got it made for Self Protection in may'08..they expect me to practice with just 25rounds a year... :D
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Post by snIPer » Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:03 pm

In the meanwhile you can hire an armed security chap to protect your property.
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Re: Arms License

Post by Risala » Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:53 pm

RottLord";p="60936 wrote:Dear Mr. Singh and IFG Veterans,

Someone told me that if I can show my property is worth 1 crore, then I shall be granted a license for a handgun. Is this true? I cannot show that there had been attempts since the police refused to take the complaint and the wounds have also healed up now.

Please help me.
Your property could be of any value,it’s not a good enough reason to be granted a licence.

Were you treated in a hospital,Govt or Private for your wounds,depending on the cause you gave,the cops could have come into the picture and would have been bound to register your complaint.

You got some serious issues to deal with,as suggested already move the courts ,get a body guard till such time you get a Lic,your grounds are strong enough for the grant of one,provided you have your paper work in order.

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Post by Rottmeister » Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:57 pm

Dear IFG brethren,

I am thankful to each and everyone for your valuable suggestions; I shall be contacting a criminal lawyer asap and shall ask our family physician to vouch on the authenticity of my claims, since he is the one who treated my injuries. Well, but getting an armed bodyguard is something my pocket won't permit.
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Post by Sakobav » Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:39 pm


Dont give up and play smart also do try writing to local press and cultivate contacts especially with the fourth estate.
If you cant beat them join em so start making connections with the politicos or babus. Also do seek a membership with the state shooting association which could probably assist you with license situation.
last and least having such issues is like living with Cancer dont let this Cancer dictate your life. Have faith and you shall prevail.


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Re: Applying for an Arms License in India

Post by indian » Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:00 pm

hi rottlord :)

i agree with ngrewal about the local press and an armed security gaurd as others mentioned would be of great help until the license arrives.i hate those b.........s who pry on others properties :twisted:

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