UPA is surely the MOST impractical goverment till date.mundaire wrote:Varunik, NOW rifle club membership will not help you in any way getting an ALL INDIA endorsement. If you read the relevant thread(s) under the RKBA section (info also posted on http://www.gunowners.in for e.g. see - http://gunowners.in/media/5-ministry-of ... -vips.html ), you will find out that on 31st March 2010 the Ministry of Home Affairs issued an (illegal) directive to all State Home Deptt.'s ordering them to adhere strictly to the new Arms Policy formulated by the Min. of Home Affairs. As per this directive, the State Home Deptt. may only issue ALL INDIA endorsements for limited categories of persons. Besides sitting MPs, Ministrers, IAS officers etc. there is a category for "National level shooters", this is interpreted by most as a shooter who has participated in at least one national level competition (GVM or NSCC). All other special case/ deserving ALL INDIA applications are to be forwarded by the State Home Deptt.'s to the Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi - who will then decide upon them based on merit (read as next to impossible, unless you are related to the Prime Minister).
I miss Vajpaayee-Kalam govt.