Shoot an intruder- Go directly to JAIL!

The legal aspects of owning, shooting, importing arms/ ammo and other related legal aspects as well as any other legal queries. Please note: This INCLUDES all arms licensing issues/ queries!
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Re: Shoot an intruder- Go directly to JAIL!

Post by hvj1 » Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:53 pm

mundaire wrote: Under no circumstances should any attempt be made to lie to the cops or to fudge the real situation... you will only succeed in raising the suspicions of the police if you try such hanky panky tricks. The police deals with hardened criminals every day and most seasoned cops don't need a lie detector machine to tell them when someone is lying... they also tend to suspect everyone and everything. So best stick to the truth, it works out best in the long run.

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Re: Shoot an intruder- Go directly to JAIL!

Post by drifter » Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:29 pm

Dear hvj1,

No worries mate,

Abhijeet well said,

I think u answered my questions, precisely why I asked when is it justified to act in self defence?. I think it is better to act in self defence than wait and see what the intruder plans on doing. I think the situation of excessive force being used in self defence is a bit wonky, how does one gauge in the heat of the moment what the attacker plans on doing?. One does not have the time to check if the intruder has a knife, gun or is unarmed and then take necessary self defence actions. The intruder has no right to be be intruding in other peoples home or property.

A friends mom who lives in kerala, one night when alone at home found an intruder and the guy attacked her with a knife and she lost her life. Apperantly the guy was a petty thief whom the cops knew about, but this guy was roaming the streets free.

I dont want to hijack this thread, I need opinions on the death penalty.

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Re: Shoot an intruder- Go directly to JAIL!

Post by snIPer » Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:31 pm

True Abhijeet, I assume that Eley No. 4 in one barrel and a Hollowpoint in the other will suffice :-).
Overkill is better than have a pi$$ed off wounded criminal at hand.
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Re: Shoot an intruder- Go directly to JAIL!

Post by indiaone » Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:04 pm

Dear Goodboy_mentor & Other friends,

The following is the legal position in India:-
Section 96 to Section 106 of the Indian Penal Code provides the right odf self defence to the Citizen and the restriction under which this Right can be exercised.A few examples of important court decisions are as follows:-
Where a minor girl was being sexually molested and her father hit the assailant resulting in consequential death ,it was held that the father was entitled to the right of private defence irrespective of the fact whether the affair was with or without the consent of the girl, as she was a minor.(Yeshwant Rao Vs State of Madhya Pradesh 1992 SC).
Where the father of the accused was being given lathi blows by the complainant party, the accused fired from the licensed gun of his father to defend his father , it was held that he had acted in the exercise of the right of private defence whether the injuries caused to his father were simple or grievous.(Bhagwan Swarup Vs State of Madhya Pradesh 1992SC)
Where , two drunk and armed raiders demanded money from the residents of a flat and in face to face with the inmates who resisted them ,lost their lives, the Supreme Court upheld the right of private defence of the residents.( K S Mishra Vs State of Maharastra AIR 1989 SC 1173)
Section 100 states that the Right of Private Defence of the body extends, under the restrictions mentioned in Sec-99, to the voluntary causing of death or of any other harm to the assailant , if the offence which occasions the exercise of the right be of any of the descriptions hereinafter enumerated, namely:-
First- Such an assault as may reasonably cause the apprehension that death will otherwise be the consequence of such assault;
Second- Such an assault as will reasonably cause the apprehension that grievous hurt will otherwise be the consequence of such assault;
Thirdly- An assault with the intention of committing rape;
Fourthly- An assault with the intention of gratifying unnatural lust;
Fifthly- An assault with the intention of kidnapping or abducting;
Sixthly- An assault with the intention of wrongfully confining a person, under circumstances which may reasonably cause him to apprehend that he will be unable to have recourse to the public authorities for his release.
The above will give you some idea as to what the Indian Law provides for self defence. The subject is elaborate and there are several thousand importnt judgements of the Supreme Court and the High Courts on his issue. Comments are welcom.

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Re: Shoot an intruder- Go directly to JAIL!

Post by hvj1 » Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:07 pm

Wonderful, Thanks for the info. I can breathe a little easier!

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Re: Shoot an intruder- Go directly to JAIL!

Post by ssmickey.32 » Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:24 pm

hvj1 wrote:Wonderful, Thanks for the info. I can breathe a little easier!
YES! :agree:

Thanks indiaone...
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Re: Shoot an intruder- Go directly to JAIL!

Post by goodboy_mentor » Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:28 pm

:agree: Excellent, Thanks indiaone

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Re: Shoot an intruder- Go directly to JAIL!

Post by biking3819 » Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:25 pm

regards sanjiv

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Re: Shoot an intruder- Go directly to JAIL!

Post by indiaone » Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:21 pm

Dear Goodboy_mentor and friends,
Another important aspect of the Law on Self Defence that yoy should know is the right to protection of property. Section 103 of the IPC states that ,‘The right of private defence of property extends, under the restrictions mentioned in Section-99, to the voluntary causing of death or of any other harm to the wrong doer, if the offence, the committing of which, or the attempting to commit which, occasions the exercise of the right ,be an offence of any of the descriptions hereinafter enumerated ,namely-
First – Robbery
Secondly – Housebreaking by night .
Thirdly – Mischief committed by fire committed on any building, tent or vessel, which building, tent or vessel is used as a human dwelling ,or as a place for the custody of property;
Fourthly – Theft, , Mischief or House-trespass, under such circumstances as may reasonably cause apprehension that death or grievous heart will be the consequence ,if such right of private defence is not exercised .
It would be a good idea for all gun owners to have knowledge of the law of the land , so that they do not get into avoidable complications. I would strongly advice all of you to go through the relevant provisions of the IPC. It is available in the net and I have already indicated the relevant Sections in my previous Post.

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Re: Shoot an intruder- Go directly to JAIL!

Post by goodboy_mentor » Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:18 am

This is really good, thank you!

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Re: Shoot an intruder- Go directly to JAIL!

Post by Sakobav » Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:43 am


thanks for breaking down the law...

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Re: Shoot an intruder- Go directly to JAIL!

Post by Olly » Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:46 pm

Law does not require a citizen to be a coward: SC
Dhananjay Mahapatra, TNN, 17 January 2010, 02:59am IST
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NEW DELHI: At a time when terrorism and mafia pose a grave security threat to India, the Supreme Court has given a pro-active meaning to the `right to self-defence' and said the law does not require a law-abiding citizen to behave like a coward when confronted with an imminent unlawful aggression.

Nothing is more degrading to the human spirit than to run away in the face of danger, said a Bench comprising Justices Dalveer Bhandari and A K Ganguly. It laid down a 10-point guideline on right to self-defence, under which a person cannot be accused of committing a crime even if he inflicted mortal wounds on the aggressor.

But, it warned against using it as a tool to settle scores or enmity. It also did not approve the use of force in excess of what was warranted to avert imminent danger to the life and property of the person exercising the right to self-defence.

"The citizen, as a general rule, are neither expected to run away for safety when faced with grave and imminent danger to their person or property as a result of unlawful aggression, nor are they expected, by use of force, to right the wrong done to them or to punish the wrong doer of commission of offence," said Justice Bhandari writing the judgment for the Bench.

"The right of private defence is thus designed to serve a social purpose and deserves to be fostered within the prescribed limits," it said.

When can one resort to his right to self-defence? "A mere reasonable apprehension is enough to put the right of self-defence into operation, but it is also settled position of law that a right of self-defence is only right to defend oneself and not to retaliate. It is not a right to take revenge," the Bench said.

Taking a closer look at the SC judgments of the last 50 years, the Bench crystallised a 10-point guideline to make a common man understand his right to self-defence and its operation. The main points are:

Right to self-defence available to only one facing imminent danger

Mere reasonable apprehension is enough to put this right into operation

It is unrealistic to expect a person under assault to modulate his defence step by step with any arithmetical exactitude

Force used in self-defence ought not to be wholly disproportionate than necessary for protection of self or property

Person who is in imminent and reasonable danger of losing his life or limb may in exercise of self-defence inflict any harm even extending to death on his assailant either when the assault is attempted or directly threatened ... 453715.cms

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Re: Shoot an intruder- Go directly to JAIL!

Post by hvj1 » Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:50 pm

Thank you Olly

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Re: Shoot an intruder- Go directly to JAIL!

Post by Amit357 » Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:14 pm

Hi guys the Supreme Court has given a very good judgement on this is in the Times of India dt 17.01.2010,they have taken all the situations into account and given a beautiful judgement on this issue.If there is an intruder blow him to hell the cops cant do a damm,thats the ruling of the highest court of the country ROTFL :cheers: :D

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Re: Shoot an intruder- Go directly to JAIL!

Post by drifter » Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:41 pm

that is good news indeed,

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