Interesting letter by DCP to Arms License holder

The legal aspects of owning, shooting, importing arms/ ammo and other related legal aspects as well as any other legal queries. Please note: This INCLUDES all arms licensing issues/ queries!
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Re: Interesting letter by DCP to Arms License holder

Post by ebenezer » Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:24 pm

I remember a couple of years ago, Mr. Natarajan, then the commissioner of police, Chennai, giving an interview to the media. He said those holding firearms licence are free to use their weapons for self-defence and there won't be any legal hassles. To be on the safer side, he added that it was not he who said that, but the law.


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Re: Interesting letter by DCP to Arms License holder

Post by eljefe » Sun Apr 19, 2009 7:59 pm

1995-I had this regular mom & pop shop in a small town ,, my usual stop off to pick up ciggies. landed up one evening to find the pop pacing on the pavement with a sawed off shot gun, the purdahed mom, with a star 9mm and 2 bodies-one in the shop, another on the pavement! scores of police, medics etc.
they did sell me my my ciggies, and i stood there long enough to see the bodies being loaded and mom and pop being given a handshake by the cops.
I've said it before and I'll say it again-Indian law is malleable.interpretation varies from CLERK to may be applauded -as in the letter above (and also Sangliana's stand while he was in karnataka police) as also the imbecile of a judge, who wants the defence to prove that the amount of force used by -a woman against her rapist- was equivalent to that being used against her! maybe that judge would have learnt the meaning of force had he/she been raped?

I would still say stand your ground and let the so and so have both barrels. better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6
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Re: Interesting letter by DCP to Arms License holder

Post by bkarankar » Thu May 27, 2010 1:50 am


Sorry to all, but just changing the way.

meri bhagwan se prarthana hai ki please please please

(Police Department)
Office of the
Dy. Commissioner of Police,
North Zone - Secunderabad.

eanka transfer indore karwa do please
to me bhi license ke liye apply karunga.

Thanks Bhagwan

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Re: Interesting letter by DCP to Arms License holder

Post by HSharief » Thu May 27, 2010 9:50 pm

amk wrote:I applaud this lady's courage and strength.

Honestly, I have at many times thought about this situation. If someone attacked me for whatever motive; be it robbery, road rage, etc. and I use my gun to protect myself I would be looked upon as a criminal in the eyes of the police and also THE MEDIA. At times I wonder whether possessing a licensed firearm is more dangerous than not having one.

In the US they have a saying, "its better to be judged by twelve than carried by four". AMK, if you're "concerned" about using lethal force to protect yourself or your loved ones, then I'd suggest a few things but the mods will delete my post.

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Re: Interesting letter by DCP to Arms License holder

Post by MoA » Thu May 27, 2010 9:56 pm

Good to see bright sparks emerging.

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Re: Interesting letter by DCP to Arms License holder

Post by amk » Fri May 28, 2010 1:26 pm

HSharief wrote:
amk wrote:I applaud this lady's courage and strength.

Honestly, I have at many times thought about this situation. If someone attacked me for whatever motive; be it robbery, road rage, etc. and I use my gun to protect myself I would be looked upon as a criminal in the eyes of the police and also THE MEDIA. At times I wonder whether possessing a licensed firearm is more dangerous than not having one.

In the US they have a saying, "its better to be judged by twelve than carried by four". AMK, if you're "concerned" about using lethal force to protect yourself or your loved ones, then I'd suggest a few things but the mods will delete my post.

I miss Mehul :)
I've heard that quote Sharief. You can PM me the few things :D
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Re: Interesting letter by DCP to Arms License holder

Post by amit888_2000 » Fri May 28, 2010 2:47 pm

Guys, can we link this discussion with a post here which say (Shoot an intruder & go to Jail).........

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Re: Interesting letter by DCP to Arms License holder

Post by bkarankar » Sat May 29, 2010 6:45 pm

yes, that will be good

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