SC tells Govt to legalise sex trade

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SC tells Govt to legalise sex trade

Post by goodboy_mentor » Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:45 pm ... ml?from=tn

Keeping the "morality" of sex trade aside, same thing is happening with arms trade in our country. I am wondering if a PIL on similar lines can be filed to get similar ruling from Supreme Court/High Court. The case was filed by NGOs Bachpan Bachao Andolan and Childline. Thing to be noted is, before filing of the case , a lot of discussion/debate was created in the media. For us the situation is "Law abiding citizen ko bachao from criminals"

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Re: SC tells Govt to legalise sex trade

Post by hvj1 » Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:03 pm

Dear Goodboy-Mentor(GBM),
A lot of us feel the same as you do, I have come around to the conclusion, that filing a PIL, can only be done by an action group or NGO, which as you are aware, requires one helluva lot of dedication and motivation. Why not form an NGO, let Ravi be the point man since he has done a lot . Those of us who are willing to put in the effort can contribute in their own way?
ALL THOSE FOR, Kindly inform us your availability? (Now GBM, watch the fun,see how many will volunteer?)

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Re: SC tells Govt to legalise sex trade

Post by snIPer » Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:50 pm

First the Gays now this and we still are being treated like..... hmm.
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Re: SC tells Govt to legalise sex trade

Post by Vikram » Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:18 pm

snIPer wrote:First the Gays now this and we still are being treated like..... hmm.
That is because they refused to be treated like ......... and fought for their rights.


-- Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:54 pm --
hvj1 wrote:Dear Goodboy-Mentor(GBM),
A lot of us feel the same as you do, I have come around to the conclusion, that filing a PIL, can only be done by an action group or NGO, which as you are aware, requires one helluva lot of dedication and motivation. Why not form an NGO, let Ravi be the point man since he has done a lot . Those of us who are willing to put in the effort can contribute in their own way?
ALL THOSE FOR, Kindly inform us your availability? (Now GBM, watch the fun,see how many will volunteer?)
The truth in your last statement will demonstrate itself,again,soon. :wink:

However, a PIL does not require an NGO or group of people etc. If you have them,well and good.What it requires is, apart from a lawyer and money,justifiable grounds. Verifiable facts that are hurting the interests of citizens.JMO.

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Re: SC tells Govt to legalise sex trade

Post by hvj1 » Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:43 pm

Dear Vikram,
What you say is quite true, but who amongst us is bold enough to stand up alone and file? I thought a little support, even a group of four five chaps could greatly add to the morale of the group.

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Re: SC tells Govt to legalise sex trade

Post by Vikram » Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:47 pm

Dear HVJ,

The point I have been trying to communicate for some time is that we need solid issues on which we can base the PIL.We do have some people,may not be the most vocal or visible, who would strongly stand behind us.We need legal/constitutional expertise to pin point to us where to stand and start.JMHO.

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Re: SC tells Govt to legalise sex trade

Post by lionheartguru » Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:48 pm


count me inn
:agree: with hvj1 and vikram both ...
you both have points to be noted...
1 is north and 1 is south ...
we need you together in the long run...

however i see no point in "legalisin sex trade" :| i wont be able to afford the beautiful ones :cry:

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Re: SC tells Govt to legalise sex trade

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:17 am

The enthusiasm will vanish as soon as you get a license and a gun.

-- Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:28 am --
lionheartguru wrote:however i see no point in "legalisin sex trade" :| i wont be able to afford the beautiful ones :cry:
Are you confessing to something?

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Re: SC tells Govt to legalise sex trade

Post by mundaire » Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:40 am

:agree: We all have seen numerous enthusiastic souls melt away once they got their prized license & firearm :roll:

What's worse is once they get their license/ firearm they tend to turn 'elitist' proponents of gun control, "those chaps should not be given a license?", "have you seen the kind of people buying guns these days?". Reminds me of many old time feudals, who would see the growing prosperity around them and rue - "There was a time when our Buick (replace with Chevy/ Jeep/ etc.) roared in, everyone would stop to look. Now every Tom Dick and Harry has a car..."

If everyone has a "right to life", they have the god given right to own the means to defend their life! Else you are merely proposing that the life of some people is worth more than that of others...
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