Licensing issue

The legal aspects of owning, shooting, importing arms/ ammo and other related legal aspects as well as any other legal queries. Please note: This INCLUDES all arms licensing issues/ queries!
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Licensing issue

Post by vkjalan » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:11 pm

Dear IFG Members,
This is really frustrating and the most irritating part in the world what i am facing.

I have applied for the arms license last July 2008. And the file has got a clear chit from the Police, but the issuing authority is the Deputy commissioner of the city and he seems to be having a view that no one in this city should own a gun. In this one year according to the office staff the license has been issued only to one person that too because he had a life threat. Now i really don't know what to do in this regard.

If i can file a case with the court i would like to know how to do it and under what should i file for it.
And the best part is that my file has not got rejected it is in the DC's office for approval. Which i suppose it will never proceed till this DC is in town.

Please help me out IFG members.
I would highly appreciate it.

Thank you and happy gunning.
Last edited by vkjalan on Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Licensing issue

Post by cottage cheese » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:51 pm

...well the Arms Act says the licensing authority should give a valid reason for denial of a license.... In written if, I recall clearly.

Demand that the bug*3r does so...and if the reason holds no water other than retarded sexual maturity and babu arbitrariness, you and a bunch of aggrieved gun folks could try using the court to loosen his tight behind.
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Re: Licensing issue

Post by Rottmeister » Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:18 pm

cottage cheese wrote:...other than retarded sexual maturity and babu arbitrariness

I wonder what would be the average Testosterone level; perhaps, -300ng/dl of blood (if there's any blood)?
Last edited by Rottmeister on Tue Sep 15, 2009 1:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Licensing issue

Post by goodboy_mentor » Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:58 am

....loosen his tight behind.

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Re: Licensing issue

Post by Vikram » Tue Sep 15, 2009 1:34 am

If your application is refused, hope it will not be, as CC suggests get a written explanation about the reasons for denial.RTI can be quite handy here.Hire a lawyer and challenge it in the court. They will not harass you for challenging it and moreover they may be careful in future.All the best.

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Re: Licensing issue

Post by nagarifle » Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:33 am

i would also agree with Vikers on this. RTI and court.

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: Licensing issue

Post by vkjalan » Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:51 am

the problem is that my file is not rejected it just not getting processed. It seems that the DC does not take up any arms license files for hearing at all. This has been the story for over a year now.... Any suggestions how do i get it to move. If i go ahead to file a case also under what head should i file it. I am so frustrated.

Please help me IGF members.

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Re: Licensing issue

Post by cottage cheese » Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:35 pm

Well vk,

It more or less comes to the same thing - something that the law provides for, is not being delivered you because of an apparent attitude problem.

Here you see a file not moving for an inordinately long period without any concrete reason given- isn't that an example of non functional governance?

Take that useless fop to task.

Same medicine is required - RTI/Court/Noise...etc. of course it would help not to be confrontational.
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Re: Licensing issue

Post by tingriman » Tue Sep 15, 2009 3:14 pm

cottage cheese wrote: something that the law provides for, is not being delivered you because of a apparent attitude problem.
This is sorry state of affairs, but it is true, in practical life, the decisions of our bureaucrats, are by large, influenced by their personal thoughts, likings and attitude, our laws are quite flexible and the bureaucrats know how to tweek and twist them to their desired shape.

Give RTI a try, some say it works!


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Re: Licensing issue

Post by saahil » Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:30 pm

hi jalan
some days back a friend of mine applied for an arms licence,his application got regected on the basis of the report submited by Dy.S.P.'s which was not positive,but he got his letter of rejection stating the reason duly signed by the D.M. in two and a half month,because if im not mistaken our state govt.issued an order some time back that every case regarding arms should be decided in three months time and its the duty of the D.M. to look after it.this is how it goes in our state.

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Re: Licensing issue

Post by amk » Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:24 pm

In cities the licensing authority is the comm of police, even though the DCP signs the license.

Try to meet the DCP and if that's not happening seek an appointment with the comm. and apprise him/her of the situation. Remember, you run the risk of rejection if you happen to p#@* off the DCP.
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