arms manufacture liscence
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arms manufacture liscence
hey guys ,does anybody know how to go about getting an arms manufacturing liscence her in india....
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Re: arms manufacture liscence

Jokes apart, i think presently its the most difficult task on earth.Obtaining an simple arms licence is it self a big task.If u have gud contacts with the Fathers of our nation ,then i think it may be passible.
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Dear friend you can apply to state authorties then ur application will go to state home secretary who in turn move the application in case recomendation is in ur favour to union home secretary who is the final authority. I n case there is unjustified denial u can move and file civil writ petition under article 226 226and article21 and article 14 of constitution of India in honable high cout of ur jurisdiction.There is important judgement of 1985 namely Ranji singh vs UOI of supreme court sc has strongly said that licencing authority must refrain from making unjustified denial in case of issuing and permiting manufacturing license regarding specifing no of guns to be manufactured this was the case of one of the oldest gun factory of jammu PRITAM SINGH AND SONS. Cheersvishosingh";p="14405 wrote: i just wanted to know the procedure guys. no offence "but no discouragement please." i know how hard it is but i jus want to know how to go bout it. i thought all our members would be encouraging bout it thats all!!!!