I am possibly to come to India (probably Mumbai) for an extended assignment. I am an avid airgunner, but of late had too much work and too many commitments to indulge in my sport and past time

This said, I need to understand where I can source quality German, British or even Chinese (they improved their manufacturing of late) air rifles for sport and leisure - I am not seeking a target shooting behemoth (Hammerli, Anschutz ...).
Lastly, if in very simple terms the legislation can be resumed to me, that would be great (examples: in the UK: 12 ft/lb limit, must be 17 - in France, 10 joules, must be 18 - in Italy, 7.5 joules, must be 18).
The ideal would be to have downloadable vCards, or a downloadable .pst address book (to load into MS Outlook). Feedback as to the quality of either the service or choice is welcomed.
Silver Flight