Relation between CO2 cylinders and pellets

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Relation between CO2 cylinders and pellets

Post by Sujay » Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:21 pm

amk";p="37092 wrote: Cylinders and pellets are easily available in Mumbai.

If you are interested I can ask around in Mumbai if more are available. What is your budget?

To all old and new timers :--

1) Does the CO2 airguns come in two varieties

a) A cylinder/container in the airgun/air pistol itself, which is refilled from another cylinder ( and not powerlets) ?


b) With provision to insert disposable powerlets, which cannot be re-used.

Or in only one of the mechanism as described above ?

2) The CO2 powerlets are NOT re-usable. Right ?

3) What is the mechanism ( inbuilt cylinder/ powerlets) in the Benjamin Sheridan EB17/EB22 ?



PS-- I have assumed the word 'pellet' in amk's post to be CO2 powerlet.
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Post by mundaire » Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:51 pm


CO2 airguns can be powered by one (disposable powerlet) or the other (refillable bulk fill) OR even use both interchangeably (sometimes with modification)... there is also a third option called the AirSource CO2 system, though I don't know enough about it to comment.

I wonder if your recall the IHP manufactured National Cadet CO2 air-rifle? It was made under collaboration with Hammerli of Switzerland and the standard refill was from a bulk fill bottle which would charge the gun for upto 20 odd shots or so (IIRC). The bulk fill bottle itself could be recharged from a large CO2 tank. Alternatively, you could unscrew the rear valve on the rifle (you would need a pipe wrench for this) and place a CO2 powerlet into the bolt assembly and replace the rear valve with a different sort of end cap... thus using CO2 powerlets in it... not many people did this though as the powelet option was relatively expensive, even in those days...

Similarly the IZH Drozd BB pistol uses CO2 powerlets as standard but can be converted to use a bulk fill tank via a conversion kit.

AFAIK the EB22 uses disposable CO2 powerlets.

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Post by dev » Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:39 pm

Unfortunately, most of the air revolvers called pistols are fired using the disposable co2 cartridges. There is a way to use a fake 12 gram Co2 cylinder in a few pistols like the crosman 357, the body must have enough metal for this to work. The air source is a 33 gram cylinder that isn't refillable in most cases.

Some Co2 rifles use a bulk extension tube like the qb 78 or even a nine ounce paint ball bottle that screws onto the rifle as in the the case of the QB 79. These are refillable if you buy the adapters from a company that fills gas commercially in India.

And Voila hours of shooting fun. You can even bulk fill the cheaper but very moddable Crosman 2240, 2250, 2260 series.

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Re: Relation between CO2 cylinders and pellets

Post by Mo » Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:06 pm

Sujay";p="37098 wrote:1) Does the CO2 airguns come in two varieties

a) A cylinder/container in the airgun/air pistol itself, which is refilled from another cylinder ( and not powerlets) ?
Correct. Very Similar to PCPs.
b) With provision to insert disposable powerlets, which cannot be re-used.
Correct. Like the Crosman 1008 Repeat Air. (12gm)
Or in only one of the mechanism as described above ?
Not Quite. Some of the sturdy guns can be modified to accept different sources.
2) The CO2 powerlets are NOT re-usable. Right ?
Not Quite. You can get chinese 12gm cartridges that are refillable. But not reliable.
there is also a third option called the AirSource CO2 system, though I don't know enough about it to comment.
Air Source is nothing but an 88gm CO2 cylinder fro Crosman. They invented it, just like they invented the 12gm cylinder and called it the Powerlet. And the name stuck.


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Post by badshah0522 » Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:18 pm

mundaire";p="37108 wrote: Sujay,

I wonder if your recall the IHP manufactured National Cadet CO2 air-rifle? It was made under collaboration with Hammerli of Switzerland and the standard refill was from a bulk fill bottle which would charge the gun for upto 20 odd shots or so (IIRC). The bulk fill bottle itself could be recharged from a large CO2 tank. Alternatively, you could unscrew the rear valve on the rifle (you would need a pipe wrench for this) and place a CO2 powerlet into the bolt assembly and replace the rear valve with a different sort of end cap... thus using CO2 powerlets in it... not many people did this though as the powelet option was relatively expensive, even in those days...

Abhijeet I have 2nos. National Co2 Air rifles.I am refilling it with Soda Maker cylinder.I have fabrcated an adaptor which fits on the gun and then a Soda maker cylinder is screwed in it to refill the shoots approx 20-25 shot in each refill(very effective) and a single cylinder can refill the gun around 12-15 times.Each refill for the cylinder cost RS 40.Enough for one month.
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Re: Relation between CO2 cylinders and pellets

Post by chattron » Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:40 pm

Hello guys i have just received my new Daisy Avanti 888 CO2 rifle yesterday.I am anxious to try out this rifle but getting CO2 filled has bcome a problem.I have a few queries.Firstly is it advisable to keep a larger cylinder at home to refill the 2.5 ounce rifle cylinder.
2)What r the adapters etc required to accomplish this task?
3)What is the pressure that is usually used to fill 2.5 ounce cylinders?

I will put up the pics after a while.Awaiting replies from the experts on this subject.Bye.

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Re: Relation between CO2 cylinders and pellets

Post by Mack The Knife » Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:05 pm

Firstly is it advisable to keep a larger cylinder at home to refill the 2.5 ounce rifle cylinder.
Yes. You can rent them and keep exchanging for filled cylinders when the one you have runs out of gas.
2)What r the adapters etc required to accomplish this task?
Take the rifle cylinder to the place you are going to rent the cylinder from. He will either have the adaptor or tell you which one to buy from the hardware market. If it's not readily available in the market you can have one made in brass or you can import one provided you know the specifications.
3)What is the pressure that is usually used to fill 2.5 ounce cylinders?
CO2 cylinders have to be weighed after filling. So rather than a manometer you will need to invest in digital or simple jewelers weighing scale. Read your owner's manual to find out what the filled cylinder should weigh. Before filling, put the cylinder into the fridge for about 10 minutes, then immediately attach it to the main tank and fill at a slowish pace and making sure that the airguns cylinder does not turn too warm. Once filled, weigh the cylinder and if necessary you will need to remove some gas to get to the correct weight. A discharge valve may be enclosed with your gun.

In case you need to fill the cylinder at the range where you may not have access to a fridge, discharge the gas from the cylinder quickly and it will turn cold and will be ready for filling.

CO2 will normally have a pressure of 800 psi when filled into your cylinder, so be careful and do not be tempted to use any other gas besides CO2.

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Re: Relation between CO2 cylinders and pellets

Post by Weihrauch Fan » Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:44 am

While ago I bought a Umarex Magnum 850.
First disapointment came when I find out that from the advertized 400 shots,I can squeeze 120-130 powerfull,lined shots and the CO2 was never enough even for 200 shots,
Took the rifle in the shop and the owner said:dont worry ,your rifle is not broken,just the advertising campagne was a bit rude for this model...
Second disapointment came when for my 120-130 shots I had to buy a 88 g Walther cylinder cost of 15 usd...
And start experimenting with the paintball cylinders.
There are 3 different sizes of those : 110;190 & 400 g and all refillable.
I made an adaptor and connector for the bigger bottle to be connected to the rifle acceptor and start experiments.
With pellets H & H Diabolo 6.24 grain the W-850 gave me welocityes slightly higher than the adwertized:first 10 shots over 870 fps...But this with original 88 g walther cylinder.
With the recomended Magnum 850 (9.12 grain) velocityes were arround 635-636 fps with vyrgin walther cylinder,
For my experiment i choose a 400 g Paintball cylinder(made in USA,CA).Price for new empty one was 65 USD.
I spend another 70 usd to make the connector,than fixed the much bigger cylinder under the barrel wit two rubber bands ans start shooting.

Please note tha to refil 400 g tank fith CO2 cost me here in Dubai 1.50 USD...
The velosities are significantly less than the original walter 88 gram ones :

With H& N Diabolo 6.24 grain first 10-15 shots goes with 745-750 fps and with W-850 magnums were 505-515 fps...fair enough.Umarex 850 Magnum can not be named magnum at all but it is quite good target shooter up to 25 meters now fo 1.5 USD I have stable 600-650 shots

Well,the rifle looks quite ugly with this big"belly tided under the barrel but the fun is garanteed,



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Re: Relation between CO2 cylinders and pellets

Post by chattron » Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:52 am

Mack The Knife,
Thanks for the valuable advice.Fortunately i found out a guy day before who refilled the cylinder for me.He charged me Rs50.Yesterday i installed the cylinder in rifle n have dry fired it.Inquired about 2 kg cylinder with deluxe trading costs about Rs3000 and regulator costs Rs4000.So it looks like ill b waiting another few months for buying this stuff or until i have stitched the big gaping hole in my pocket :D .
I will follow ur advice while refilling the cylinder by myself in the near future.
Thanks again.Bye.

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Re: Relation between CO2 cylinders and pellets

Post by chattron » Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:28 am

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