I have a Diana Mod 35 .22
This has previously been tested for around 50 yards and found accurate.
I recently changed the spring to Gsmith and since then havent been able to group at all(tested at 10 - 12 yards) shots fly all around.
This is what i have done so far.
1. Fired approx 150 pellets so far to try to break in the washer n spring.
2. Tried diff types of pellets - Round Head (master shot 3 diff batches, Gsmith) , Pointed(master shot and one other brand), Double Head(master shot)
3. Stock screws are tight enough
4. Have used a rest (high stool)
6. Barrel cleaned when the washer and spring were changed.
7. No bend in the barrel
8. .... anything else i should be doing???
This is what i intend to do next.
1. Cut off one coil at a time and recheck.
2. Change washer if the above fails. * limited to a certain no of coils of course

3. Want to try longer ranges but my simple theory is that if it doesnt group at 12 yards it will surely not group at longer ranges.
Does anyone have any other suggestions???