I happened to recive following video so felt like sharing.....
I would request fellow shooters if possible, to share a video of 10 shots of Armar 350 that reaches 1200 ft/sec.as claimed.
I am of the opinion that any claim that is exaggerated/fake, is harmful for shooting fraternity.
Finally the cat is out of the bag. To maintain healthy shooting sport in India, Aarmr should have been true to us. Anyway, great work!
Re: Armar 350 velocity video
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:13 pm
by dalvipravin
First of all if the velocity is 1200fps say using 8.44 gr pellets that means it's violating the arms act of 15ft/lb limit to use it without license ..
Why to step on such things knowingly as a manufacturer I am not getting ..
Re: Armar 350 velocity video
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 10:02 am
by Basu
Dear Pravin,
First of all I doubt that it at all reaches 1200 ft/sec.under normal test condition.
Someone referred about it in comment section that easy way to understand the velocity by its sonic boom which normally occurs when pellet travels at supersonic speed.
My understanding is such boom can be heard when some kind of dieseling/detonation takes place.
My moot point is why make abnormal or paranormal claims ?which one way cheats the innocent fellow shooters & otherway violates the existing law of the land.
0.22 bore ARs are sold rampant without any document, who will be trapped finally ?? If seller has guts then he should sell with appropriate documents where date , name, model, caliber, sl.no, GST no.all are mentioned.
If a person caught with 0.22 AR that produce more power than legal limit , Arm act will be slapped on him immediately.
Do you think that Precihole , for that matter SDB can not produce 0.22 caliber 22 ft lbs if they wish ?? Are they fools ??.
My all submissions are viewed for benefit of the shooter fraternity.
Re: Armar 350 velocity video
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 11:31 pm
by dalvipravin
Absolutely basu sir ,
Most of the ppl falling for such claims will be either novice ...