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Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:53 pm
by Vishnu2017
Dear friends,
Am bought a PRECIHOLE PX100 MATCH PRO from 10 kya online shop, when unboxing its tank is empty, am refill with my PCP pump, shoots 60 shots, then shows 0, the air leaking from barrel, and not cocking, enquired about this with 10kya guys, they said me to sent the product directly to the company, but am searching about this issue in you tube some posts relatively with the same issue, am found light movement in barrel connection, unscrew the barrel and add some moly grease on the o rings near the breach now am recharge the air, the leaking arrested, then tight the small screw under the trigger , now cocking failure solved, now shoots well, finally never open the PCP air rifles with out knowing properly about that , first you have to fully drain the air by blank shot,