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Air rifle for Sports

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 12:28 am
by snehashis
dear indian4guns members,
Now I am looking for an air rifle for target shooting in 10 meter distance. But I am confused what should i buy. I have heard high praise for Precihole club elite but price is little bit high .... I also heard many good review for SDB sports in this context. its price is fairly low and being spring piston maintenance cost is also low where nitro spring require nearly 3000K to replace. so now for what should i go for....

(Re: Dear Basu Sir, you have SDB Sports and also you fired from club PLZ PLZ express your valuable opinion)

Re: Air rifle for Sports

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 10:19 am
by Basu
Dear Snehashis,
You asked me a very tough question indeed.
I have following observations :
Sport is +-12 fpe AR in .22,where as Club Elite is 7+ fpe in .177 so vibe is expected to be less.
Sport is of 3000 gms , where as Club Elite is 3100 gms thus a tad more stable.
Sport's trigger pull weight can be adjusted from outside as per preference where as Club Elite is a little complicated.
Sport has a very faint hint of lateral vibration of spring where as Club Elite has only back n forth movement.
Technologically Club Elite has edge over Sport any day.
I am of the opinion if Sport energy is kept around 9 fpe then both are one holer.
Ifgian Harsha finds his Sport boringly accurate on every occasion.
I can say with conviction that Sport stays much ahead of most commonly used National 25 for target shooting.
I rate Sport over all ARs of SDB because of its convertibility as a field AR as well as Target AR.
It is the best spring AR I have ever used.
Choice is yours.


Re: Air rifle for Sports

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 1:06 am
by snehashis
Right now, i'll go for sports and after that i'll seek your valuable tuning advice