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Which air rifle is best for india
Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 9:53 am
by sitar
Which air rifle is best working and most appropiate for Indian conditions.
i want to disscuss about springers preferably.
i think Diana 55 or Diana 34 is best
wellcome comments
Re: Which air rifle is best for india
Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 10:06 am
by biking3819
for that matter any springer works well in India

as long as they get their fodder in the available calibers...
...although i guess the springers that come with the nylon piston washers may get affected under extreme conditions of high atmospheric indian summer temps if not lubed ,
i wud say lubing of any springer is very important.
u can find some good read on this subject here-
well Mack The Knife wud be the most appropriate person to comment about the leather or nylon washers and their performance under high temps in indian summer...the mothr of air guns
cheers sanjiv
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 5:33 pm
i belive Diana mod 35 is the best
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 6:05 pm
by mundaire
NILESH THAKUR";p="28661 wrote:
i belive Diana mod 35 is the best
AFAIK Diana model 35 is no longer in production... you can check out BB Pelletier's post discussing this particular model at ... el-27.html
Sanjiv is right, in India for general plinking, nothing beats a springer... no need to worry about expensive gas refills or locating a source for compressed air etc. However, you'd be seriously handicapped if you were to use a springer in 10m ISSF style competitions....
Re: Which air rifle is best for india
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 7:02 pm
by Hunter
The Diana 350mag in .177 caliber with a .22 backup two cents

Re: Which air rifle is best for india
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 7:14 pm
by sat
imho the build quality of the weihrauchs, air arms springers is much better
Re: Which air rifle is best for india
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 7:47 pm
by biking3819
'TRIGGER', of the most important part of a springer...
no doubt the HWs have the best of them all as stock out of the box...
regards sanjiv
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:12 pm
by sitar
Hunter";p="28668 wrote:
The Diana 350mag in .177 caliber with a .22 backup two cents
if i say to select from diana 350 mag
and diana 54 air king
which one u will choos and why
54 air king i think is sidelever cocking
Re: Which air rifle is best for india
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:02 am
by Hunter
if i say to select from diana 350 mag
and diana 54 air king
which one u will choos and why
54 air king i think is sidelever cocking
You are right the 54 is a sidelever cocking and recoiless to some extent. I would stick with what I have now(350)as its lighter and the option of switching calibers!
Accuracy would be a tad better with the 54 due to its fixed barrel design!
But as Sat suggested the HW's and the Air-arms are better quality!..the flip side Diana have been around more than 100 yrs u decide!

Re: Which air rifle is best for india
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:35 am
by Mack The Knife
You are right the 54 is a sidelever cocking and recoiless to some extent.
To some extent? It's almost completely recoilless.
Accuracy would be a tad better with the 54 due to its fixed barrel design!
Accuracy would be a million times better than the 350 Magnum.
the flip side Diana have been around more than 100 yrs u decide!

So how does that benefit the user? Shame they could not use their 100 years of experience to make an airgun that would leave AA and HW eating dirt.
Re: Which air rifle is best for india
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:59 am
by biking3819
i agree to the fullest with Mack The Knife....
its a fact a week back i had plans to pick up either of the above mentioned dianas, they looked good to me untill i had a word with the mother of airguns

,that made me think of trying a hw97k before the decision to choose and when i did test the hw,...ohh my we cannot compare the diana with the quality of each and every detail,the hw was great but sadly was not for sale,most important feel of the 97k was that although being a springer and with no floating complex mechanism and weight of the 54,the recoil was quite less,and a much better trigger feel, doubt the best compared to the dianas.
i wud not buy the dianas here in pune after that test run they didnt looked appealing anymore,i wud get one when i go abroad next and am ready to face the battle with the men in whites for that lovely springer the hw97k.
warm regards sanjiv
Re: Which air rifle is best for india
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:00 pm
by Hunter
Mack The Knife and his disdain for Dianas

...Read the post HW and Airarms do produce better quality airguns!...
Insite of all the perceived drawbacks of the Diana brand they have a huge fan following....below is testament
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:25 pm
by dev
My not be the best option but a fun option is a Co2 air rifle like the QB 78 with a bulk extension tube, excess co2 bleed valve and a 12 ounce Co2 cylinder.
After the initial cost you actually spend very little, cost of 3 litres of Co2 is about a hundred Rs. To give you a small idea of capacity a 12 ounce bottle will give you three or four fills. 12 ounce is about 330 grams of Co2.
Each fill will give you about 80 full power shots. So its like the old Winchester lever gun, fill on Sunday and shoot till Sunday. Plus the fun of zero vibration that means you can put a real cheap scope on it and you are ready to go. The QB 78'S BOLT cocks on shutting like the SMLE, it gives you the feeling of shooting a real rifle at a third the cost.
I am more than a little biased towards it as you can make out

. It will not have the power or heft of the HW 97 or the sheer machining excellence but it will make you smile when you shoot one hole groups or tumble cans effortlessly. Its not the best choice like I said before but definitely a fun choice.
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:28 pm
if u really wanna import an airrifle i would say go 4 Diana-54,it's accuracy is excellent and it has a velocity of 1100 fps.
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:39 pm
by dev
NILESH THAKUR";p="28711 wrote:
if u really wanna import an airrifle i would say go 4 Diana-54,it's accuracy is excellent and it has a velocity of 1100 fps.
1100 fps is mostly manufacturer's spiel, very few air rifles can do it and that also mostly in .177. This again beats the purpose as few pellets in .177 will be accurate at this velocity, if it reaches it at all.