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Weihrauch HW 75 Excellency
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:05 am
by biking3819
Hello all,
My first day with the hw 75 had gone far ahead of my expectations since the days when i used to use the co2 ihp air pistol in the 10 mts range, consistancy was great and trigger ,just wowww...,i guess its my first Weihrauch and so the excitement, but i think i wud need more time to master the cocking mechanism with ease,
and since no one in the range was familiar with the looks and that it was an air pistol 'cuz of the hammer action had caused a lot of misunderstandings with other club members,it was so funny, also very surprising the moment i had got it out,a few doubted whether it wud be allowed to take part in the official matches ever

1. can the hw 75 pass thru the weapon scrutiny tests and be allowed to particiapte in official amatuer matches??,since GVM was in my mind,if not then what cud be the probable reasons? the manual its mentioned to be oiled with a few drops of silicon based oil for the seal,what are silicon based oil,are there any available in the indian market?
3. the best suggested pellets i must try?,and the wt specs ,in grain or grams,wud be of immense help, for 10 mts ,the p10 i had used seems heavy for the 75.
and finally a few pictures of joy

thanx to all seniors
warm regards sanjiv

Re: Weihrauch HW 75 Excellency
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:38 am
by Mack The Knife
1. can the hw 75 pass thru the weapon scrutiny tests and be allowed to particiapte in official amatuer matches??,since GVM was in my mind,if not then what cud be the probable reasons?
Your air-pistol should conform to the following:
Pistol weight: Not to exceed 1500 grams.
Trigger pull weight: Should be 500 grams or more.
Dimensions: The pistol must be able to fit in a box admeasuring 420x200x50 mm.
Barrel length and sight radius: Not to exceed the dimensions of the measuring box mentioned above.
Grips: No part of the grip, frame or accessories may touch any part of the wrist. The heel rest must extend at an angle of not less than 90 degrees to the grip. This applies to the heel rest in front and behind the grip as well as on the sides. Any upward curvature of the heel and/or thumb rest and/or a downward curvature of the side opposite the thumb is prohibited. The thumb rest must allow free upward movement of the thumb. The grip must not encircle the hand. Curved surfaces on the grips or frame, including the heel and/or thumb rest, in the longitudinal direction of the pistol are permitted.
You can download the rules from the ISSF website. See Rule 8.16.0 in particular. the manual its mentioned to be oiled with a few drops of silicon based oil for the seal,what are silicon based oil,are there any available in the indian market?
Use acid free silicon oil. It's commonly used in the electronics industry and available. Alternatively, use Feinwerkbau Special Grease or it's Anschutz equivalent. Avalable in small tubes but used to cost Rs.700 to Rs.800 seven years ago. However, it will last you for many years - I am still using the tube I bought in 2000.
3. the best suggested pellets i must try?,and the wt specs ,in grain or grams,wud be of immense help, for 10 mts ,the p10 i had used seems heavy for the 75.
Since the 75 has a lower muzzle velocity than pcp air-pistols, I would recommend a lighter pellet such as a H&N Finale Match High Speed (7.64 grains IIRC) or it's RWS R10 equivalent.
Deep 10s to you!
Mack The Knife
Re: Weihrauch HW 75 Excellency
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:47 am
by biking3819
hahaha ,it does fit,
thanx a ton Mack The Knife

regards sanjiv
Re: Weihrauch HW 75 Excellency
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:56 am
by Mack The Knife
You are welcome, Sanjiv.
So far you are the only member here who has made the effort to read previous posts regarding the import procedure, rather than PMing me with a long list of questions and expecting to be spoon fed.
If you haven't seen these articles, then I suggest you study them. They helped me crack my first GVM in less than one month after getting my first 10 metre match pistol. and Nygord's Notes from
Mack The Knife
Re: Weihrauch HW 75 Excellency
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:07 am
by biking3819
thanx again Mack The Knife,
for the links,...i did only read Don Nygords notes a few days back...
Regards Sanjiv
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:15 am
by Mack The Knife
Print them, file them and refer to them from time to time.
Mack The Knife
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:12 pm
by dev
Mack The Knife,
You hit the required score 550 in one month? My gawd my inferiority complex triples. I bow to thee again.
Re: Weihrauch HW 75 Excellency
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 2:17 pm
by Mack The Knife
The GVM 10 metre AP match is a 40 shot match. The MQS has been raised to 90% (360/400) but when I participated it was 87% (348/400).
Don't feel inferior (you may continue bowing though) because I screwed up big time in the Nationals (remember that one, Sat?) that followed and had to requalify at the next GVM.
555/600 or so is all I have been good for (on a good day, mind) but I have a feeling I could better that now for the simple reason that I wont be thinking of a MQS, trying to get a respectable score, time or any such extraneous pressures.
When practising don't keep checking the score. Be relaxed and shoot and you will be amazed at how you fare. Since no one was at home last evening, I set up a target at 10 metres and put a full pellet shaker box worth of pellets (100 pellets) into one target. I did not bother about time or which bloody ring the pellets were falling into. There was music on the stereo, I made myself some tea, talked to a friend on the phone but never went upto the target until I was putting things away. There were five in the 8-ring with the rest in the 9 and 10 rings. I'm happy and if you follow the basics and relax when you shoot, you could do better.
Mack The Knife
P.S.: Here's another tip - keep your mind blank. Shouldn't be difficult for you either.

Re: Weihrauch HW 75 Excellency
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:13 pm
by dev
Mack The Knife
P.S.: Here's another tip - keep your mind blank. Shouldn't be difficult for you either.

Hee hee that comes easy. But I must keep bowing if you keep shooting a hundred shots that good. I bet you'll be there at the weapon inspection/control whatever line pretty soon.
Ever had hypnotic regression done? Wouldn't be surprised if you were Anne Oakley in a past life time
Re: Weihrauch HW 75 Excellency
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 6:15 pm
by Mack The Knife
dev";p="26742 wrote:I bet you'll be there at the weapon inspection/control whatever line pretty soon.
I don't see that happening unless we attend one of these comps as a fair sized group and have a bloody good time. May as well take the fishing tackle as well. Otherwise it's just not my cup of tea. Attend one and you will see what I mean.
Mack The Knife
Re: Weihrauch HW 75 Excellency
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 4:23 am
by Grumpy
Whilst I`m prepared to accept that the HW75 might be described as the `Excellence` ( although not on the Weihrauch website ) I`m absolutely certain that it isn`t called the `Excellency`.
Here`s a thought: Will the HW75 grips fit the HW45 ? Seems strange that the better, more powerful - and more expensive - pistol isn`t offered with a decent set of grips........perhaps because it has no pretensions to being a target pistol ?
Re: Weihrauch HW 75 Excellency
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 9:38 am
by Mack The Knife
The HW75 grips do fit the HW45 but not directly. One would have to shorten the 45's grip upto the mid-bar to be able to install the HW75 grips.
HW45 exploded view:
HW75 exploded view:
Incidentally, the HW45 isn't more expenive than the HW75.
Re: Weihrauch HW 75 Excellency
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:28 pm
by biking3819
@ grumpy sir , context of using excellency was not defining the model name by adding excellency to hw 75 it was just my call and not the model name anywayz,i intended to describe the quality of the product,
although excellence as a synonym def was the better choice ,have no idea why i cudnt think of it,my poor english gets the blame here,
although it seems i wud learn quite a lot of smarter things in this forum and well corrected from time to time

Hw 45 as a springer def packs a punch,but carry recoil.'but I`m absolutely certain that it isn`t expensive than the hw 75 , its a lot of pounds cheaper than the hw75 for sure with BAR..
nb-Mack The Knife the links u posted were very helpful ,had filed and loaded in my pda too for a quick read of different topics whenever i cud squeeze in some time other than in the range.
thanx again.
regards sanjiv
Re: Weihrauch HW 75 Excellency
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 3:28 pm
by penpusher
So when are we getting one of those 'Thus Spake Mack The Knife' booklets
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 4:23 pm
by Mack The Knife
When I put on my Nietzschean hat.
Watch this space...