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Ladies and Gentlemen

Post by Vikram » Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:35 am

Allow me to show you my joy and pride of the moment.A Hull cartridge Weihrauch HW77 .22,under lever,venom tuned,Simmons 3-9x50 scope, silencer fitted,leather sling,camo carry bag,a handful of Field and Target Trophy pellets all of these arrived today morning. Mack The Knife OKd it a while back but it took me a while to pull the deal off as the seller lives in Durham and only wanted a personal collection.Convincing him to post it and bear the delay by the "Parcel Farce" and the long weekend inflicted a lot of agony on me.Yet,the moment I lingeringly opened the box, you should have seen my grin and laughter.Pity, there was none at home to share my joy.Enjoy the pics.

Now, I know someone who will be wishing me to head homeward ho more than my parents and the little rascal Dirty Dog (our pet mutt). Worry not my friend, the wait is worth it. :)


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Post by shahid » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:19 am

Good air rifle, but being England I must ask is this a controlled HW 77 or full power FAC type ?

Simmons make very good optics. Happy shooting. Hope the Simmons scope can take the magnum force of this rifle. WOuld like to keep myself posted whether shooting 200 to 250 shots makes any difference to the scope.

The scope is on a single piece mount with 4 fastners, couldn't get better. Waiting to hear from you how the HW 77 groups at 10 and 20 m.

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Post by Vikram » Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:57 am

Thanks Shahid.It is a 12 lb Non-FAC (firearm certificate) model.For those who do not know,in UK, for air rifles with power more than 12 lb,one needs an FAC something like our license.Will soon be posting on the target groups.But, frankly, I am not an air gunner.If I don't shoot it well,the fault lies with me.At the moment getting a shotgun certificate or an FAC is slightly difficult for me.Will get both soon.

Thanks to Mack The Knife and Sujay for rekindling the air gunning spirit in me.
Last edited by Vikram on Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sakobav » Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:24 am


Nice pics and handsome gun all the best..looking forward to your Shotty also..


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Post by Mack The Knife » Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:25 am

Well done, Vikram!

Here's to many happy hours of shooting. How close are you to Cranfield village? My brother just moved in on Sunday. He likes shooting but never bothered to buy a gun. Hopefully, a bit of like minded company may rekindle the old desire.

Mack The Knife


Re: Ladies and Gentlemen

Post by mehulkamdar » Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:30 am


Lovely, my friend! You do have some bunny bashing ahead if you decide to hunt your own dinner. Let me know and I'll send oyu some very nice recipes if you want them. 8)

Good hunting!

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Post by mundaire » Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:52 am

Beautiful piece Vikram, congratulations and happy shooting! :)

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Post by sa_ali » Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:05 pm

sexy gun, the scope look more than what rifle has to offer. Happy shooting.

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Post by Sujay » Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:18 pm

Vikram";p="17638 wrote:T.At the moment getting a shotgun certificate or an FAC is slightly difficult for me.Will get both soon.

Thanks to Mack The Knife and Sujay for rekindling the air gunning spirit in me.

Ten thousand thundering typhoons and millions of blue blistering barnacles ! You have the heart to do this :!:

The sling makes the AR look formidable ! This toy will keep you ( and me ) seriously occupied till the prevailing situation in India rectifies.

If I don't shoot it well,the fault lies with me

Agreed ; we won't blame your beloved :D

sexy piece of weapon

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Re: Ladies and Gentlemen

Post by kanwar76 » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:19 pm

Nice Gun..Congratulations Vikram,

Welcome to the Airgun cult :)


PS: Why .22
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Re: Ladies and Gentlemen

Post by HydNawab » Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:55 pm

Very nice gun Vikram

Congratulations!Im sure you will enjoy it.

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Post by Olly » Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:20 pm

All my compliments and congrats for owning a fine gun like this. For me it is still a dream... of owning something similar (diana 35 will do, and ofcourse with a scope) I feel so happy for you !!

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Post by dev » Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:44 pm

Sex on toast man. Really fabulous, you've got the whole deal man...that'll win you some field target competitions I bet. Congrats once again enjoy.

Vikram";p="17632 wrote: Allow me to show you my joy and pride of the moment.A Hull cartridge Weihrauch HW77 .22,under lever,venom tuned,Simmons 3-9x50 scope, silencer fitted,leather sling,camo carry bag,a handful of Field and Target Trophy pellets all of these arrived today morning. Mack The Knife OKd it a while back but it took me a while to pull the deal off as the seller lives in Durham and only wanted a personal collection.Convincing him to post it and bear the delay by the "Parcel Farce" and the long weekend inflicted a lot of agony on me.Yet,the moment I lingeringly opened the box, you should have seen my grin and laughter.Pity, there was none at home to share my joy.Enjoy the pics.

Now, I know someone who will be wishing me to head homeward ho more than my parents and the little rascal Dirty Dog (our pet mutt). Worry not my friend, the wait is worth it. :)


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Post by badshah0522 » Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:54 pm

Congrats,,Very nice.
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Re: Ladies and Gentlemen

Post by Vikram » Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:57 pm

Heartfelt thanks to each one of you gentlemen for your kind words of appreciation. They are gratefully appreciated. Yes it is a handsome rifle. Almost as heavy as a full bore rifle. JMHO, Not very handy for people slight of built. The carbine version might be suitable for them. As I said, I am not a target shooter with an air rifle. Occasional plinking and training for the field. I wish take it for rabbit hunting and pigeon shooting, both of the species are declared pests here and can be shot year round. Official estimations: rabbits around 40 millions and wood pigeons around 30 millions. Shooters will be doing a service to the farmer.

Mehul, I would love to have those recipes. I fully intend to fill the freezer and I like game meat. My Pakistani friend, who is an amazing cook, is already busy imagining an elaborate array of dishes.

Rusty, isn’t it a small world? That would be great to meet your brother Trusty. :lol: LOL. Don’t tell him I called him so. Cranfield is about an hour and half from me. It’s very close to Bedford where Grumps and I attend the gun auctions. Probably he can pick a bunch of them here then. PM or mail me all the details, if you please. I think the Cranfield University is there. Their MBA is ranked among the best in the world.

Inder, .22 because, I intend to hunt with it. I always had a couple of air rifles at home in India. Only, they were forgotten when I picked up the bigger guns. I am really looking forward to the day when I can get my shotgun certificate and FAC.

Now comes the difficult part. Gaining shooting access. All land belongs to someone here and you need to take permission of the land owner.I am trying to locate a few and and beg them.LOL. Lets see.

Sujay, I was thinking of you when I was posting this.Sorry bud.

Thank you all once again.

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