the joys of shooting the Qb 78/22

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the joys of shooting the Qb 78/22

Post by dev » Wed Apr 11, 2007 4:43 pm

Spent sat getting my Co2 bottle filled and then rushed home. But had to wait outside as the wife was out for a while. Finally spurted Co2 into the rifle in the evening. I used some 14.4 grain gsmith pellets(round heads)to shoot at a crow target (metallic). The bigger slug is fun to shoot and so I zeroed the scope in at ten feet first. This helps me to get it till the range. Then I spent Sunday afternoon at the ten meter range. With a sort of bench shooting I could soon drop three pellets into the ten ring.I tried doing five but I'm not that good a shot I loose my concentration halfway. But was it fun. My rifle on bulk will do about seventy powerful shots and then you start to see the pellet loop away. There is a slight leak as I hadn't replaced some of the o-rings that I should have. But I will do that next. I am so glad that I got this great rifle and am enjoying it immensly. Will post pics of targets shot with Mack The Knife's pellets.


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Post by Mack The Knife » Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:48 pm


Don't get complacent with that 'three shots into the ten ring' business. I have always maintained that the real measure of an airguns accuracy is between 30 and 50 yards. See if you can test it between these ranges. If necessary I will send more pellets.

BTW, I am curious to know what you lubed the oxidised pellets with?

Mack The Knife

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Post by dev » Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:05 pm

I will probably try it out at Tuglakabad to get the fifty m range or the twenty five meter range but I am more sure of doing 25 m on a friends farm.I will be picking the pellets from the Doc soon, I haven't got em yet. I have sprayed wd 40 on some pellets before. But right now I am clueless. Kyrtec is the preferred lube but I don't know where to lay my hands on it here. Maybe some turtle wax from a car polish? Apologies but I am clueless on this.


Mack The Knife Bana";p="17611 wrote: Dev,

Don't get complacent with that 'three shots into the ten ring' business. I have always maintained that the real measure of an airguns accuracy is between 30 and 50 yards. See if you can test it between these ranges. If necessary I will send more pellets.

BTW, I am curious to know what you lubed the oxidised pellets with?

Mack The Knife
To ride, to speak up, to shoot straight.

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