Right age to take to Air Pistol Shooting????

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Right age to take to Air Pistol Shooting????

Post by Yasho » Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:22 pm

Hi Everyone,
Is 12 years the right age for girls to begin air pistol shooting ?
Which is a good air pistol in 4.5cal for beginners?
How many hours of practise is required every day/week.
Please reply.

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Post by badshah0522 » Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:32 pm

Hi Yasha!
As far as age is concerned there is no specific age ,,the person should know how to use the air pistol & should completly be aware of Safety measure & full Precautions to be taken while handing over an air pistol to small children.
Safety is the first lesson which should be learned before using arms.

Regarding good air pistol in 4.5cal ,i donn have enough information,,but i am sure there are many experts in this forum who will put light over it.

Yasho";p="15212 wrote: Hi Everyone,
Is 12 years the right age for girls to begin air pistol shooting ?
Which is a good air pistol in 4.5cal for beginners?
How many hours of practise is required every day/week.
Please reply.
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Post by HSharief » Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:21 pm


12 years is a bit late already if you ask me. I think kids can start shooting when they're about 9 years old. I see kids of that age shoot pretty good with enough practice. If they're stronger earlier, the better.

Most important thing is to teach them safety. Check out the Eddie Eagle program of the NRA of the US.


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Re: Right age to take to Air Pistol Shooting????

Post by Yasho » Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:45 pm

Hi Badshah,
Hi HSharief,
Thanx for the replies. And for emphasising on safety which is of paramount importance.
And THANX, HSharief, for the nice words.
Actually my niece wants to try her hands at air pistol shooting for whom I am gathering all relevant info.
Any info.on suitable air pistol and other details is welcome.

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Post by Mack The Knife » Fri Mar 23, 2007 8:32 am


Your niece can shoot air-pistol at her age but get her started with a junior version air-pistol. These are lighter.

I too used to use a Steyr and can confirm that it was a very reliable air-pistol in all respects.

However, correct pistol fit should be the first priority.

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Post by mundaire » Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:48 pm


Here's a nice guide on how to go about teaching kids shooting-

http://www.pyramydair.com/blog/2006/08/ ... art-5.html

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Re: Right age to take to Air Pistol Shooting????

Post by Yasho » Sat Mar 24, 2007 3:19 pm

Hi Abhijeet,
Hi Mack The Knife,
Thanx for the feedback.
How do I check whats my niece grip size- small or xtra small.
Please guide.

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Post by Mack The Knife » Sat Mar 24, 2007 8:49 pm

Hi Yasho,

Go to http://www.nill-griffe.com/ then click on Service, followed by FAQ and lastly the question, "Which grip size is right for me".

Mack The Knife


Re: Right age to take to Air Pistol Shooting????

Post by mehulkamdar » Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:30 pm

Shooting is a sport that does not have a minimum or maximum age to enter into. Mark's eldest son would shoot my 8mm Mauser sporter beautifully at milk jugs filled with water off his back porch at 9 or 10 and his daughter enjoys shooting my Knight ML with reduced loads and ball at 6. There are also shooters who have done quite well at fifty plus - I remember that about 10 years ago a grandmother from Australia did quite well in the Olympics in a pistol event.

What I would like to say here is that you are a fantastic uncle to bring your niece into the shooting sports and I would like to congratulate you for this far sighted action. I know most members here take their own children along to shoot and teach them to do this, but you have taken this beyond your nuclear family and spread the interest. Yours is an example that everyone should emulate.

Congratulations and my best wishes on behalf of the whole group to the little lady. May she get her best friends involved in our sport and may they all do well!

Great shooting!

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Re: Right age to take to Air Pistol Shooting????

Post by Yasho » Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:07 pm

Dear Mr.Mehul,
Thank you for all those nice words of encouragement. I showed your mail to my niece and she was surprised to read all the nice things written and was surely motivated.

Well sir, choosing the right pistol for her is becoming a little confusing for me. For eg., Steyr has a junior model but without a stabiliser/stabilisator. Now what it is and how important a role it plays, I have no idea.
Should I be going for a junior model which weighs 100 gms less than a regular model or straight away go in for a regular model? Also the junior models have a shorter barrel length. Is this a draw back and will it affect the performance of a beginner/shooter.

Could you please throw some light on these issues so that there is some clarity.

These are the issues which I am unable to decide about.
Thank you once again.

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Post by cooldude » Tue Mar 27, 2007 7:06 pm

Rightly said Mehul. I started shooting with a 12 Gauge shotgun when I was just past seven years and my son beat me to it by starting at six plus. So there definitely is no age for shooting. It totally depends on your temperament and what you are comfortable with. A Russian became a world champ at 44 plus years. I forget his name and that too in either Trap or Skeet.


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Re: Right age to take to Air Pistol Shooting????

Post by mehulkamdar » Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:56 pm


I am absolutely the wrong member to talk about air pistols though this forum has highly experienced air rifle and pistol shooters including Mack The Knife, Deepak Mishra etc and I hope that one or another of them would reply on your query about selecting an appropriate one. In any case, if there is an IFG group near you, do take the little lady to meet the members who get together if you could make it. She would enjoy seeing some guns and also get some first hand advice. I am sure that I am not the only member here who looks forward to hearing about her progress in shooting.


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Post by Lenny » Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:08 am

Hi guys
thanks for all the inputs,
but personally, kids need to be taught how to handle a weapon, safety measures, holding it ,thats is not pointing it anyone, whatever the state the gun might be, loaded or not etc,
i have done it with my son, and it has worked well,so he/she knows the value and the damage it can cause if handled wrongly

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