Almost hilareous Bene.. I tried the same while putting new spring in my IHP.. Remember calling two extras to help me when caught midway... wonnt forget..g8 you tried & then had the courage to bring it open..bennedose wrote:Having acquired 2 good air rifles I decided it was time to use the gyan I have gained to operate on my 20 plus year old SDB 50
I removed the screws holding the steel to wood - two on the sides and two holding triggger guard..
I then detached the cocking lever.
Using techniques that I saw on a YouTube video on operating on a Weihrauch rifle I removed the breech cap and gently tapped out one pin holding the trigger and then went on to the last pin.
I was prepared. So I was safe. As soon as the pin was tapped out the entire pre-compressed spring and guide rod shot out like an artillery shell - sliding along the floor where I had placed the rifle. The piston was tight inside. I extracted it. The 1 inch washer looked sick, but I decided to ignore that for now. I cleaned everything with surgical spirit. The tip of piston was very tight with a diameter of 2.6 cm. The hind part was a close fit at 2.55 cm. I sanded the front bit down to about 2.57 to 2.58 to make it a snug but smooth fit. Lubricated with gun grease. I do not have Moly grease and did not want to buy the industrial quantities available on SJP road.
Put everything back and struggled like hell and took the help of others to compress the barrel and breech on a 1" water pipe plug while the holding pin was inserted. This is not something I fancy doing often.
On test firing
1. Power was down with muzzle velocities of 130 to 140 mps (140 to 150 earlier) - not a problem for me
2. The trigger had become dangerously light - almost an auto-fire. Too dangerous for me. Or anyone.
The rifle will be taken to a rifle hospital today for repair.