Help! Desert Eagle + Walther PS22 El. Point Sight

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Help! Desert Eagle + Walther PS22 El. Point Sight

Post by OhGod424 » Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:22 pm


As most of you know, I recently bought a Desert Eagle with a Walther PS22 Electronic Point Sight.

The damn thing has picattiny rails to install the sight, with a very simple open nut, fit the sight, tighten the nut kind of mechanism.
However when I mounted the sight on the gun yesterday (Thought I would go out to Siri Fort and pop a few....forgot it was Monday!) the sight seemed to be a bit wobbly! It wasn't like shaking or anything, but seemed to be kind of jilty. Any suggestions? Should I try to fire off some shots and check the stability or should I get the sight re-installed from some one? I don't want to break the damn thing off first time I try looking like a cool dude with a scoped Desert Eagle Pistol at the range.


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