According to my experience, there is tons of WRONG info about this rifle on the web on the pellet jamming part. Leaking is the issue for people not maintaining the o rings or using wrong lubricants just because they are “safe” on rubber.

Total amt. invested
- Rifle: $900
Bushnell 4200 elite 6-24x40: $435
BKLs: $36
Extra clip: $67
Extra bottle: $119
Total = $1,557

I set the scope for 10 yards. Accuracy @10 yards was outstanding. The chrono was set at 15 feet so these numbers are not at the muzzle. See pics below:

In total I shot 250 pellets (1 tin) and was not disappointed with the accuracy part. This rifle is very-very accurate @ 36 yards. I did not test @ 50 since I have to drive along way for that range and weather in Chicago has been very bad.
1. Very accurate (with frozen hands at that)
2. Very powerful for a 14.5” barrel. Gives 32FPE with 28.4gr and 30 FPE with 21gr.
3. Built like a tank, stainless steel internals and the shell is thick 6 series aircraft grade aluminum.
4. The bolt is very smooth on mine with a serial number starting with 19 which is a new batch.
5. The trigger is crisp 3 lbs (heavy for some) but is very fun to squeeze. It’s all in the manner of how it breaks. Very clean and no wiggle.
6. Shot capacity. I’m getting 60-64 great 36 yard shots. Last eight shots (gauge showing 80 bar and in the red) were low by only two clicks on the Bushnell, and that’s it.
7. I had NO pellet jams. Period. That’s because (On the risk of being self promoting) I read the manual thoroughly and know how to operate this rifle and cycle the bolt fully. People, who don’t do that and blame the rifle, piss me off. I always keep one mag chamber empty so when in doubt, align the empty chamber and push the bolt fully forward. If there is a pellet in the breach it will fire, otherwise it will be a dry fire with no harm. This takes care of double loading. Also, I never fire (dry or otherwise) without the mag being in its chamber. No doing so will destroy the breach seal because the probe will hit it full force when the bolt is released. Many users have destroyed their seals in this manner.
8. I fill the bottle to 210bar and leave it attached all the time. NO leaks. I make a point of lightly greasing the bottle receiver O-ring with LOGUN’s SG3 grease every time I attach it. I don’t over tighten the bottle either. There is a point when the bottle just stops rotating, firmly. That’s it.
*Some people who are having leaks are using PTFE based synthetic grease. They think that is great. NO, it is NOT! PTFE synthetic grease like Super Lube or Syncolon is formulated for metal to metal parts in a dynamic (moving) state. PTFE does a number on Nitrile rubber of Shore 70A- rating. This is the material (a.k.a. BUNA-N) that 99.99% of PCP washers are made up of. Steyr uses Polyurethane which is very robust and expensive, but then it’s a Steyr. PTFE (nano particles of Teflon suspended in synthetic grease) bloats or expands the Nitrile O-rings. One should use 100% synthetic grease on Nitrile. Period. Funny thing is that if you tell these folks the truth they get offensive. Oh well it’s your money.
9. The gun is very quite and the ultra shroud is very effective.
10. The gun can fit in a very small case for ease of travel.
11. Taking the gun apart and cleaning the barrel is a very easy and an entertaining job. Once you do that, you notice that it is not just another gun. It is a mechanical marvel with SS link rods, stainless steel match grade bushing that free floats the barrel, loading arm and what not. It is a very complicated rifle inside. A lot of time and R&D money has gone into designing it. No wonder it is one of the most popular rifles in the U.K. People like 220 Swift will love this rifle.
12. The double magazine is to die for. Holds 16, easy to load and cycle and, very cool.
13. Hunters could drop this rifle in mud and it will still shoot just the same. Take it out during heavy rain, no worries.
14. Even though it has a modular shroud with individual baffles, there was no pellet clipping issue even at lowest pressures.
15. For a gun of this caliber it is very reasonably priced. I can say this because I own very high end PCPs and none of them are as complicated as this one.
16. Heavy duty forearm with laser housing.
17. Excellent rifle for hunting or target shooting.
18. The gun loved a variety of pellets JSBs, H&Ns, Kodiaks… ( not cheap ones, I hate CP’s, very dirty)
1. The bottle stock is VERY uncomfortable for tall fellows with long necks. Hate the feel of rubber against my face. It was freezing on top of it. The forearm is round. No good for bench rest either.
2. This rifle has a learning curve which has to be mastered. You can’t just hand it over to your friend for shooting.
3. The rubber grip although good to look at is skinny and VERY uncomfortable especially for long sessions
4. Inconsistency in the size of bottle valve discharge ports. One bottle has very small ports, the other has large ones. The one with the larger ports gave me lesser shots, but still above 50.
5. No place for bipod. You can't use the sling stud insert because it will easily pop out of the rubberized forearm. I will have to get the FX clamp, as a bi-pod base and attach it to the shroud.
6. Trigger is heavy. Those who depend on a light trigger for accuracy should move on BUT, those who are hot shots or great shooters should take a look because the trigger is very clean and crisp and since their shooting skills are not dependent on a 55 gram trigger, they will love the way this one breaks. Any one who has used a very high end rim fire will love this trigger. Those folks who have experienced several high end triggers will know what I am referring to.
7. The coated finish is beautiful but not as sturdy as it should be. It rubs off on sharp bends and edges of the shroud. It is not like an anodized finish.
8. The gun is heavy for hunters (weaker ones). 10.8 lbs with scope, rings and full bottle. The necessary bi-pod will make it around 12lbs appox. But this weight is handy while target shooting which is what I am using it for.
9. This is a high maintenance gun. People, who don’t maintain their rifle, need not apply. This gun is for people who love mechanics and play around with their guns apart from firing them.
10. No quick fill. It’s a PITA to install and uninstall the bottle but more importantly, the O-ring takes a beating. Maybe 220 can device one for me.
11. Can't use pointed pellets. Only round nosed like the JSBs.
12. Have to invest in a custom stock and grip = more money.
If the owner does his part in maintaining this rifle, it will last him his life time. Just maintain the O-rings and LEARN this rifle.
If you have plenty of PCP experience, and are willing to do your part, I recommend it.
If this is going to be your 1st PCP, and you don’t like maintaining rifles, Stay away.
Hope this helps.