AirGun Pistol--Queries(BASICS)

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AirGun Pistol--Queries(BASICS)

Post by laku234 » Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:03 pm

Hi guys
i have some VERY Basic queries hope i get it cleared...

a) I dont know anything about airguns :oops: there any good websites shedding light on basic knowledge about Airgun Pistols..

b)me wanna start this plinking(hope its the correct word for fun shootin in cans) as a hobby....i want to use a handy pistol like airgun rather than going for traditional rifle lik thing.

c) Beretta,CROSMAN 1377C,Walther CP99 Black,weihrauch hw 40 pca,Weihrauch HW45 Air Pistol---were some of the models i had gone through...i dunno which ones r better...plss shed some insight on these models..and which ones would a novice prefer?? :?

Can u suggest some good pistol type airgun models ard 100- 150$ range
which might be good for a Beginner?

Hope the moderators start a thread dealing on basics of each gun model(airgun pistol,rifle,,,handguns etc) and put the thread at TOP!!!

Thanx in advance for the replies and suggestions...

And one more thing me living in INDIA
can u suggest shops where we can buy the suggested pistol type airgun ??
preferably south india--chennai,bangalore or Delhi
Last edited by laku234 on Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: AirGun Pistol--Queries(BASICS)

Post by Risala » Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:35 pm


What is a airgun pistol :?:

Please introduce yourself,you will get a better response to your query.

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Re: AirGun Pistol--Queries(BASICS)

Post by laku234 » Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:57 pm

sorry i dunno the exact technical word but i meant airguns like the walther cp99 rather than the long rifle like things

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Post by mundaire » Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:16 pm


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Post by laku234 » Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:59 pm

Sorry ...i shud hav read the rulesproperly...

anyway its a gr8 site...and me diggin up the info needed from all the posts....whew....

Thanx for pointin out my mistake....

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Re: AirGun Pistol--Queries(BASICS)

Post by ianbom » Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:01 pm


I have got in touch with some of the moderators of this forum on WALTHER CP88 CO2 Air Pistol.

I also referred to the list of arms dealers of Mumbai on this forum and checked with them on the avalibility of the same.

They are ready to get one of those CP88's, maybe in a couple of hours if required but price is quite high and secondly no papers will be given. One of thoe most reputed dealers suggested that it would be better to get a Certificate from the Police Arms division - Sounds ironical as to how to approach the Commissioners office w/o any papers (This pistol resembles the Original P88 of Walther).

Its a known fact that many a folk are getting the same from Dubai and selling it here to earn some profits. How come Customs allow this item to be taken out. I have read in some of those posts here that how some of you had a tough time running around to clear your guns from the Customs with Police clearence.

Moderators and experts - My query is .....

1) Is a 0.177 (4.5mm) air pistol (of foreign origin) a panicky gadget even if one wants to practice with it in his own private zone.
2) Are Air Pistols of 0.177 (I mean imported ones) supposed to be kept with some sort of papers / police certificate. If YES then is it a dangerous gadget. I don't want to use the term weapon as Sir Mack The Knife might get a little upset :roll: .

I was suggested by one of the moderators that this gadget will prove to be expensive. But where there is quality, price will not be a issue.

Moderators / experts - Please guide me on the legal aspects of this pistol and its correct use.

Thanks & Regards


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Post by dev » Fri Nov 02, 2007 4:06 pm

Naw its not a panicky item as long as you are sensible.
Carry it in a case while traveling to the range. Air pistols don't require a license anyway and so no problems there.
While the CP88 is a good replica the bore is a dead give away and for further proof just show the 8 round magazine and how it fits.

There is no way it can be mistaken for a real gun once this is shown. Of course if you wear it on shoulder holster etc and show it around then expect to be checked thoroughly and getting into trouble.

So with a little commonsense you should be okay. Next bit of commonsense is not to pay black market prices and import one for yourself. ;-)

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Post by ianbom » Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:55 pm

dev";p="30137 wrote:Naw its not a panicky item as long as you are sensible.
Carry it in a case while traveling to the range. Air pistols don't require a license anyway and so no problems there.
While the CP88 is a good replica the bore is a dead give away and for further proof just show the 8 round magazine and how it fits.

There is no way it can be mistaken for a real gun once this is shown. Of course if you wear it on shoulder holster etc and show it around then expect to be checked thoroughly and getting into trouble.

So with a little commonsense you should be okay. Next bit of commonsense is not to pay black market prices and import one for yourself. ;-)

Thanks Sir Dev,

Would appreciate if you could guide me on the import part.

My Brother-In-Law is in Dubai he can bring it next time.

What preparations do I have to do over here. Do I have to join some range / clubs compulsorily.

Please note that I do target practice at home only. Due to time constraint I cannot go to any club / range.

Please suggest accordingly.



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Re: AirGun Pistol--Queries(BASICS)

Post by thomast1 » Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:29 am

hi Ianbom

pls post if your brother-in-law could get it in through baggage. me also planning for the same.


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Re: AirGun Pistol--Queries(BASICS)

Post by biking3819 » Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:36 am

before u place the order just check within your city armourers whether they store co2 capsules regularly and the cost for each :wink: ,since i found it was too hard to procure these capsules in maharashtra.
regards sanjiv

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Post by dev » Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:21 am

The import part has been covered several times in great detail. So just go through it and best of luck. I would suggest that you spend money on a pistol like the IZH Bikal 46 m as it is a self contained pcp.

You might just love shooting ten meter with it or get a scope mount for it and enjoy shooting cans at long distances with it.

Its a little more than the Cp 88 about $300 but you will shoot it more often. I really miss mine.


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Re: AirGun Pistol--Queries(BASICS)

Post by archer » Mon Dec 17, 2007 4:47 pm

A single co2 capsule manufactured by walther would cost upto Rs 250/- . It will give u upto 80 shots .... pellets costs upto Rs 250 for a pack of 200 (H&N 0.177 cal ) ....these are some of the rates i got from a dealer in mumbai.... As Sanjiv mentioned, they may not be available all the time.....



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Post by amk » Wed Dec 26, 2007 8:13 pm

I just picked up a used CP88 here in Mumbai; pretty expensive but fun. I plan to use it for a short while and then sell it off.

Sorry for being a pain guys but I did search the import of airgun threads. Most of the important posts run to about 18 odd pages. The KB articles do not cover import of air pistols.

Please please please, Can someone summarize here. Is it legal to bring back an air (CO2) replica pistol from a holiday as part of their personal baggage?

What are the duty charges/rates?

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Post by Sid_kapur30 » Thu Dec 27, 2007 2:36 pm

amk";p="33931 wrote:I just picked up a used CP88 here in Mumbai; pretty expensive but fun. I plan to use it for a short while and then sell it off.

Sorry for being a pain guys but I did search the import of airgun threads. Most of the important posts run to about 18 odd pages. The KB articles do not cover import of air pistols.

Please please please, Can someone summarize here. Is it legal to bring back an air (CO2) replica pistol from a holiday as part of their personal baggage?

What are the duty charges/rates?
Mate you can carry back an air pistol LEGALLY but make sure to inform your airline before hand. Make sure you have a bill for it, if possible try not to carry it in a manner that could be dangerous. Get a proper airline approved case for it. and i as far as i know you might not be allowed to carry co2 capsules with you in the flight so better have some alternatives back here.

The duty you shall be asked for is 35% and to make things a lot smoother try getting membership of a shooting club.

Or simpler try reading the related post in the Air gun section. its by the name of " Airgun import experiences - via personal baggage route" because what i just wrote, is all what i read there

read it, it certainly would help :)


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