Ok things I did on my Artemis
1) smoothened the cocking shoe which was too sharp at edges and was rubbing on spring as I lock up the barrel
2) polished piston lightly
3) filed the pivot arms of the cylinder for smooth and equal surface contact with breech block . I fount the starting edges at top were stiff and rest of the area was not touching . This will gve me to tight the pivot bolt nicely and give some resistance to barrel as we lock up .
4) I made a piston sleev using Xray film which will act as barrier between spring and piston walls.Hope to see smooth coking and less jerk , hoe it will hold up

as I don't have PTFE sheets handy which are ideal .
5) I made the scope stop pins holes rounded and flat , earlier they were conical and my scope slipped and was holded by the end cap
I will assemble her tomorrow and update on results .
Cheers ,
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