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Mumbai man kills neighbour, is shot dead by police

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:38 pm
by Darklord
Altercations between neighbours living in close proximity are commonplace. But one such incident turned tragic when a Mumbai man shot and killed his 16-year-old neighbour after a fight over noise on Thursday. He also fired at a police team and was killed in exchange of fire. Sixty-five year-old Harish Maroliya, a retired Customs-Excise officer, who lived in a housing society in Andheri, was angry about the noise from carpentry work in a neighbour's house.

He first fought with the building secretary for allowing the work to happen and then tried to prevent a worker from entering the building. At that moment his neighbour's daughter, 16-year-old Himani Mehta came to the gate of the building. Maroliya tried to stop her from entering and when neighbours intervened, dragged the girl and locked her in his house. The local police were called in. They broke open Maroliya's door to rescue the girl, but the man shot Himani and opened fire at the police team too.

Two policemen were injured. Maroliya too sustained injuries and died later. ... -17972.php

RIP, poor girl.

The guy is said to be mentally unstable, from another report. This is the second such reported incident in the past few weeks. And perfectly sane people have difficulty obtaining licence in this country :roll: .

Re: Mumbai man kills neighbour, is shot dead by police

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:19 pm
by Zake
Not good. Such incidents are always used against the cause of RKBA ! And if we try and point out the fact that a gun present at the scene may have helped prevent such a mayhem, the anti's will always say that we are using a tragic incident of death as to prove a point and it's nothing but petty politics. Either way, bad for all of us.


Re: Mumbai man kills neighbour, is shot dead by police

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:18 pm
by brihacharan
> It is unfortunate the way it happened - but why blame the RKBA credo?
> A criminal mind will always resort to using weapons of any sort - be it a knife, iron rod, pitchfork, spade, showel or what have you - why blame the gun?
> It is similar to a bad carpenter blaming his tool!
> The authorities should use their discretion while giving arms licence - how many cases have we come across where cops themselves have used guns to settle scores?

Re: Mumbai man kills neighbour, is shot dead by police

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:53 pm
by eljefe
"...Sixty-five year-old Harish Maroliya, a retired Customs-Excise officer ..."


Re: Mumbai man kills neighbour, is shot dead by police

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:05 pm
by OverUnderPump
eljefe wrote:"...Sixty-five year-old Harish Maroliya, a retired Customs-Excise officer ..."
True, Jefe. That line itself speaks volumes. Not painting all with the same brush,but it does expose the irregularities by the powers that be.

Going by the comments so far on this thread. I cant seem to match the three:

" retired Customs-Excise officer "
" unsound mind "
" firearm owner "

As to how the three matched up in the real world, I guess its the age old hypocrital and myopic BABU view of some people being more "equal" than others. Anti or not, the fact is that such opacity in the licensing procedure has brought things to such a pass.
