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What are we suddenly so afraid of? Well in our discussions it seems to boil down to four areas. First, fear of federal government intrusion into our lives. Every time I look at or listen to the news, there is something new and intrusive coming out of the Obama administration and this Congress. New tax schemes, government-run Canadian-style healthcare, a volunteer citizen defense force (whatever that is, what happened to the National Guard?) equipped with funding similar to our military, forced voluntary “service” after retirement, a lack of a southern border with hordes of illegal and criminal aliens pouring over our border, the swine flu scare as well as government forced closing of thousands of privately held Chrysler and GM dealerships, which will be the final nail in the coffin for these companies and the list goes on and on.
Which leads me to the third fear, that there is a revolution coming, yes, a revolution on the scale of the original American Revolution. You can hear this topic discussed on many of the talk radio shows by even the big name hosts. The possibility of an armed revolution against the U.S. government is being discussed, albeit very gingerly and fleetingly and as something to be avoided, which it is. I never heard this mentioned in the 90s.
One of my quietest, low profile officer friends brought it up the other day. He said that at some point in the near future, he felt there is going to be an armed revolt if things keep going the way they are. Something has got to give. I was shocked. Yes, I had heard this from some of my more radical cop friends in the past, but to hear it from a guy like this was unprecedented for me. Now, these guys are not saying this will happen to foment revolution, preach sedition or to even participate. They just want to be ready if it happens, to at least defend their families, because number four on the fear list is general societal chaos.
Best of luck,if that happens you are going to need it.
Four Reasons Why Gun Sales Are Up
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Re: Four Reasons Why Gun Sales Are Up
Agree with point 1. The rest is pure fear mongering. There is no revolution coming, the Mexicans/Russians/French/Iranians are not about to invade the US.
People suddenly think having anything under 10K rounds, and 40 magazines is being under equipped. The basic mentality of the people in the US is to have more than the neighbour, and be preppared for calamity. These same people will buy a gun, go to the range exactly once... get a five inch 10 shot group at 10 yards, with their tacticool AR-15 and think they are crack shots. The same people will tell everyone how thier uber-rifle will shoot sub .5 MOA all day long. After which the guns will be put away, never to be touched until some distant point in future when they will sell it.
People suddenly think having anything under 10K rounds, and 40 magazines is being under equipped. The basic mentality of the people in the US is to have more than the neighbour, and be preppared for calamity. These same people will buy a gun, go to the range exactly once... get a five inch 10 shot group at 10 yards, with their tacticool AR-15 and think they are crack shots. The same people will tell everyone how thier uber-rifle will shoot sub .5 MOA all day long. After which the guns will be put away, never to be touched until some distant point in future when they will sell it.