A gun that can regulate bullet speed

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A gun that can regulate bullet speed

Post by msandhu » Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:28 am

Now this is an interesting story and interesting gun

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Heal ... 271606.cms

CHICAGO: A US company is developing a gun that can fire bullets with variable speed and can be set to kill, wound or just cause a bruise.

Lund and Company Invention, a Chicago-based toy design studio, which makes toy rockets that are powered by burning hydrogen, is receiving funding from the US army to adapt the same technology for firing bullets as the army is interested in weapons that can be switched between lethal and non-lethal modes.

The new weapon, called the Variable Velocity Weapon System, lets the soldier use the same rifle for crowd control and combat, by altering the muzzle velocity. It could be loaded with "rubber bullets" to deliver blunt impact, full-speed lethal rounds or projectiles somewhere between the two.

The gun works by mixing a liquid or gaseous fuel with air in a combustion chamber behind the bullet. This determines the explosive capability of the propellant and consequently the velocity of the bullet, as it leaves the gun

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Post by badshah0522 » Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:39 am

A gud invention by Lund Co.
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Re: A gun that can regulate bullet speed

Post by TwoRivers » Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:39 am

Really? The next step should be turning war into a paintball game. Yes, I know some our illustrious and more mentally disadvantaged legislators have previously called for the development of "safer" bullets. But I would have hoped that the Pentagon's Super Whiz Kids would have had a bit more gray matter. Ah, but I forget, they grew up in a virtual world with video games. A toy manufacturer, no less! What a plastic wonder that is going to be. And the determination whether the bad guy should be bruised, wounded, or killed, will no doubt be made after due notification at the highest political level. I should be laughing, but it's my money they're spending. How about sling-shots with three sets of rubber bands, color-coded to strength, for an instant choice?

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Post by vishosingh » Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:20 pm

nice name though for a gun company !!!!!
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Post by eljefe » Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:58 pm

used to be called ROMEOS- for rules of engagement-thou shall be fired upon first, then return fire...surely a spin off from the dial a yield nuclear payload?
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Post by TenX » Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:44 pm

Jan 23, 2016, Chicago
Policeman accidentally kills college protester during the recent protest march. Corporal Jimmy Handrack quoted to reporters, that his muzzle velocity dial was not woring properly, and though he only intended to 'slightly' bruise the college protestor, the bullet that left his gun proved fatal to young Bob Morlai, a third semister student, doing the Advanced Technology course at the Chicago University....
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Re: A gun that can regulate bullet speed

Post by penpusher » Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:45 pm

The companies name is very appropriate :lol:

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Post by b.baracho » Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:32 pm

WoW! thats something new ...... :roll: :roll: whats next ???
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