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Gun Myths

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 2:35 pm
by penpusher ... ar_culture

To this I would add the view that bullets left in the body can cause lead poisoning.A British Indian Army Jawan,injured in the IInd WW died a couple of days back,with the bullet still in his body.


Re: Gun Myths

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 2:52 pm
by mundaire
Sawed-off shotguns cannot be fired one-handed, such as in the film Mad Max. The 12 Gauge round is too powerful to be wielded in one hand by most people. This force on an unsupported wrist can sprain the wrist or worse. Additionally, the recoil may cause the shooter to lose control of the weapon.
This gent obviously has not met Mack The Knife yet... - what say Asif? ;) :lol:


Re: Gun Myths

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:22 pm
by penpusher
It can be done.Especially from a short barrel cylinder bore shotgun,but not by everybody.Mack The Knife,it would appear, being one of the exceptions :lol:


Re: Gun Myths

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:40 pm
by Mack The Knife
To support penpusher's first point, I believe Field Marshal Maneckshaw still carries six Japanese machinegun bullet in his stomach.

As for shooting 12 bores with one hand, I honestly don't know what all the fuss is about. And it's not as if I have wrists of steel either. The gun used to demonstrate the point was a long barreled single.

Mack The Knife

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 10:45 pm
by eljefe
Stories a plenty about foreign bodies in the body.usual process is the body, in a protective/ expulsive action, lays a thick coat of material around the foreign object, eventually turning into something thing like scar tissue, encapsulating the foreign object.Then the whole thing lies dormant/forgotten, unless some fresh event precepitates a break up of the original encapsulation and infection.Thats how FM Sam Bahadur Maneckshaw got away with those Jap MG bullets in him.Also, he didnt have ruddy quacks of today, with a propensity to use the missile equivalent of antibiotics to shoot down mosquitos.They made tough MEN those days-Abhijeet, Mack The Knife and I had a pre dinner discussion of the talwars and armours of yesteryears-The user would have to have to have a major iron pumping physique to don/ wear/ use the stuff we see in museums-until Abhijeet's uncle pointed out : given the rural background of the yeomanry of those days, they would have been 'NORMALLY' tough as nails , compared to today's metrosexual-oh oh-grumpy, you do know by now what a metrosexual is? ;)
Another point is , unless ricocheting off some dung(!) a bullet is many degrees sterile from ignition to terminal entry-so infection is the last thing to worry about...
As for the one handed useage of the 12, I've handled 12's one handed many a times and have enjoyed the feeling-Dont have steel prosthesis either.Only thing, with forearms like Mack The Knifes, the shotty gets swallowed in the mitt and he looks capable of harpooning Moby Dick (or duck!) in his Ahab avatar...

Re: Gun Myths

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:13 am
by Mack The Knife
As for the one handed useage of the 12, I've handled 12's one handed many a times and have enjoyed the feeling.
Then why did you make such a song and dance about it? Mind you, I did not do it to 'enjoy any feeling' but merely because I had no bloody choice. :mrgreen: Now I am not saying anything more on the subject. ;)

Mack The Knife

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 11:43 am
by eljefe
Me? song? sometimes, dance- tough guys dont dance, more so if they have a couple of spinal fractures! ;)
Abhijeet's post had this quote about spraining the wrist and other juicy stuff-thought we must dispel the notion that its only the realm of movies and mad max-we have enough and more one handed 12 shooters.Next trip to0 bangalore, will search in my junk for pics of that S african 12 which I used to shoot one handed .Different kick...

Re: Gun Myths

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:56 pm
by penpusher
It does not take forearms like Popeye's to fire a single barrel shotgun one handed. However firing it repeatedly would lead to some discomfort.Holding it up like a pistol and aiming down the barrel would place the wrist in a position where some people may sprain it when firing the shotgun though.Might also lead to instant realignment of the face if the gun is held too close to the face when fired :lol:

Hitting a target would also be possible when firing a shotgun at a short distance.However this would also become difficult after a couple of minutes of holding it this way,something that engaging multiple targets with successive shots,would require.

Holding and pointing a single barrel shotgun is easier than doing the same with a DB and becomes more difficult with a PA and this increases further with a barrel semi auto,mainly because of the way the weight is distributed and also because of an increase in weight with them.

Firing multiple shots with a semi auto 12 ga,holding it like a pistol and hitting targets every time,would be another matter altogether.Holding two such shotguns and bumping off two baddies,one on the L and one on the R at the same time,is something that is certainly not within the capabilities of anybody.King Kong could do it though.

Perhaps our US based members can try this out and give us some feedback :wink:


Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:49 pm
by eljefe
Set up 2 Fig 11 targets at 10m, get 2 sbbl 12's and we'll have the first IFG 'Indian one hand' match!
Actually sounds like a good idea, why not have one of these type instead of the regulation match? I dont think all owners would want to take part in a regulation studded match,? a fun thing like this will certainly bring out the Popeyes and Capt.Ahabs. What say?
Next IFg offline meet can be converted into something like this -in a police range , our guns and ammo, our match and our party!

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:58 pm
by Mack The Knife
And Fortis Hospital will provide the ambulance and free medical care.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:09 pm
by eljefe
Sheez, you saw through my marketing spiel...

Re: Gun Myths

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:53 am
by penpusher

I can provide only one SB shotgun and that one is renowned to kick like a mule. Perhaps the 450/400 would be a better test :lol:


Re: Gun Myths

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 9:28 am
by mehulkamdar

I have tried shooting shotguns and rifles with one hand for fun. Accduracy was terrible, as I fully expected it to be, though with a semi auto shotgun there is practically no recoil to worry about. I did shoot this way with a SxS once a long time ago in India and the top lever bit into the web between my thumb and index finger and it hurt like crazy. I have done this with rifles upto 30-06 and 8mm Mauser and have had no real pain from recoil, and I am NOT fond of recoil as some are.

This would be more a stunt than anything practical, I think. And yes, I wouldn't advise trying it with a 450-400 double for the reasons explained above. While the 450-400 hardly hurts when shot from the shoulder, it might pinch the web of the hand and that could be horribly painful.


Re: Gun Myths

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 9:28 am
by marksman
IMHO,with the exception of a few from .22 family, which ever way you hold them, all guns hurt on paper targets only,

Re: Gun Myths

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 9:27 pm
by shadowphaxone
penpusher wrote: ... ar_culture

To this I would add the view that bullets left in the body can cause lead poisoning.A British Indian Army Jawan,injured in the IInd WW died a couple of days back,with the bullet still in his body.


The link is not working as Wikipedia has deleted the article.