NBRSA 100m and 200m Bench rest competition

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NBRSA 100m and 200m Bench rest competition

Post by MoA » Sat Sep 26, 2009 4:12 pm

The top results
1. Jack Neary .1482 (Possible New World Record)
2. Tony Boyer .1498
3. Mike Conry .1574
4. John Horn .1626
5. Larry Costas .1648
6. Tim Courtney .1660
7. Larry Scharhorst. 1690
8. Lester Bruno .1708
9. Eddie Harris .1794
10. Bob Scarborough Jr. .1800

Complete story here

The winning group is .1482 inches center to center, while the difference between #1 and #10 is just .0318 inches.. This is fairly phenomenal shooting. BTW these are aggregate scores... that is five targets each with a group of five shots, that are then averaged out. This is a lot more difficult than you would imagine.

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Re: NBRSA 100m and 200m Bench rest competition

Post by eljefe » Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:39 pm

yup, am still reading abpout it for the nth time, as well as Nat's rifle.I remember reading on benchrest central about a rifle he turned out from scratch, in about 8 hours :shock:
''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

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Re: NBRSA 100m and 200m Bench rest competition

Post by MoA » Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:52 am

Some of those people have some real skills in gunsmithing.

I could put together a rifle for you in 8 hrs, but it wouldnt shoot in the teens. With luck in the low 3's high 2's as long as your shooting skills work. Then again it wouldnt make the 10.5 lb wight limit.

Just in case you're wondering: Savage LPRV action, pick a pre-fit barrel, stock and scope. Hell the rifle could be built in a couple of hours. At least that is how long it took me to put together a .260. Will post pics sometime, when I switch barrels next.

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