Shooting Champion gets Supreme Court Rap

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Shooting Champion gets Supreme Court Rap

Post by m24 » Fri May 08, 2009 9:15 am

Jeff Cooper advocated four basic rules of gun safety:
1) All guns are always loaded. Even if they are not, treat them as if they are.
2) Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
3) Keep your finger off the trigger till your sights are on the target.
4) Identify your target, and what is behind it.

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Re: Shooting Champion gets Supreme Court Rap

Post by penpusher » Fri May 08, 2009 9:29 am

He had it coming.He is also in trouble with the customs for importing a huge number of air rifles and pistols.A couple of hundred I believe.

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Re: Shooting Champion gets Supreme Court Rap

Post by m24 » Fri May 08, 2009 10:32 am

An absolute case of a guy who discriminates the situation to his advantage. I think it's high time the authorities wake up, take care of such swindlers, and relax the rules so that a common person like me can buy my own Discovery with the harassment of unwanted people. Wishful thinking, maybe. But that again is only my view, right!!!

And how did this guy get 2 licenses for 9 guns????
Jeff Cooper advocated four basic rules of gun safety:
1) All guns are always loaded. Even if they are not, treat them as if they are.
2) Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
3) Keep your finger off the trigger till your sights are on the target.
4) Identify your target, and what is behind it.

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Re: Shooting Champion gets Supreme Court Rap

Post by mundaire » Fri May 08, 2009 11:32 am

m24 wrote:And how did this guy get 2 licenses for 9 guns????
See ... 04&start=0 more specifically the following bit:
Competition shooters who have achieved the status of "renowned shot" are exempted from the above provisions, details of the relevant notifications pertaining to them (i.e. "renowned shots") can be found at for further details.
The exemption is based on the no. of events someone qualifies in as a renown shot, subject to a maximum of 10 firearms allowed in all.

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Re: Shooting Champion gets Supreme Court Rap

Post by badcheetah » Fri May 08, 2009 4:23 pm

Found this online ...
A must read ..details of the weapons sold and a lot more .

Bad Cheetah Out ....

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Bad Cheetah Out ....

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Re: Shooting Champion gets Supreme Court Rap

Post by Vikram » Fri May 08, 2009 5:41 pm

A bad apple and he got his just desserts.People like him ruin it for the rest.
badcheetah wrote:Found this online ...
A must read ..details of the weapons sold and a lot more .

Bad Cheetah Out ....

Cheetah Bhi Peetah Hai .. :cheers:
Did anyone notice a .22 rifle by Auswitz in that list? :lol: Some interesting guns he traded there.

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Re: Shooting Champion gets Supreme Court Rap

Post by m24 » Fri May 08, 2009 6:22 pm

Thanks Abhijeet for the info.

Badcheetah: What I posted was the trailer, you just posted the whole movie man. Amazing stuff.

And yes, Vikram 4 Auschwitz's there. Quite a list.
Jeff Cooper advocated four basic rules of gun safety:
1) All guns are always loaded. Even if they are not, treat them as if they are.
2) Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
3) Keep your finger off the trigger till your sights are on the target.
4) Identify your target, and what is behind it.

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Re: Shooting Champion gets Supreme Court Rap

Post by MoA » Thu May 21, 2009 1:05 pm

I thought Auschwitz was a concentration camp...
Never heard of Bruno or Smith and Wasson either...

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Re: Shooting Champion gets Supreme Court Rap

Post by Sakobav » Sun May 31, 2009 5:26 am

Check out this trader joes other 'target' guns from Unique, Taurus, Ithaca, Erma, Browning, SW, Astra and Harrington!! He was simply trading guns makes it tougher for other genuine and less fortunate shooters.

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Re: Shooting Champion gets Supreme Court Rap

Post by goodboy_mentor » Sun May 31, 2009 8:51 am

This nuisance of "License" raj should go, so that we neither have these stupid/meaningless cases taking up time of honorable courts and people have right to keep and bear arms(and sell/buy them as per their requirement). Then there will be nothing like "renowned" and not so renowned shots. Maybe a wishful thinking or a pipe dream for me(living in a Free & Democratic Republic of India :wink: ) :?

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Re: Shooting Champion gets Supreme Court Rap

Post by m24 » Sun May 31, 2009 12:14 pm

Hi MoA,

Auschwitz is a concentration camp. As for any brand of gun made of the same name, I am still doing research, will let you know once I have some info.

Bruno (seems to be typo error, courtesy court type-writers) is actually BRNO brand of rifles made by CZ-USA. Their site address is

Smith and Wasson also seems to be typo.
Jeff Cooper advocated four basic rules of gun safety:
1) All guns are always loaded. Even if they are not, treat them as if they are.
2) Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
3) Keep your finger off the trigger till your sights are on the target.
4) Identify your target, and what is behind it.

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Re: Shooting Champion gets Supreme Court Rap

Post by marksman » Sun May 31, 2009 12:19 pm

To be fair to Mr.Shah, the article mentioned is not entirely true. The fire arms (two rifles)he imported through proper channels (SAI)were for the big bore event which remained with him till his licenses were revoked. He loaned the rifles and ammo to big bore shooters during the events at a certain fees.(right or wrong?) He imported target air weapons on regular basis and sold them at a reasonable profit in the days when importing them was a mammoth head ache. All the other fire arms that have been mentioned in the news papers were bought locally from within Indian union and sold to license holders in Mumbai (with police permissions to buy/sell ???)and indeed they happened to be in large number. I along with quite a few others do have a bit of sympathy for this unbashful Mr.shah because though he indulged in arms trade which was not entirely legal, all the stuff that he imported and sold were meant for target shooting sport only. Poor blighter strongly believed he was fighting the guys who had monopolized the shooting sport in Mumbai by promoting shooters it in his own unique style with er... little perks.

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Re: Shooting Champion gets Supreme Court Rap

Post by MoA » Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:21 am

m24: Surely you mean Anschutz.

I do know who Brno or Cz are... but not Bruno. Actually i do know a Bruno, an interesting person.

Anyhow back on topic, he hasnt broken any laws. If he made a few bucks good for him. Why shouldnt you be able to buy and sell guns to your hearts content?

BTW do not get caught up on the hype around Unique guns... they are certainly not worth the price you are paying for them. I do know the owner, and have been to their factory fairly often.

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