200-year-old cannon could not withstand impact

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200-year-old cannon could not withstand impact

Post by mundaire » Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:27 pm

200-year-old cannon could not withstand impact

29 Nov 2007, 0201 hrs IST,Prakash Bhandari,TNN

JAIPUR: In a violation of gun rules, a cannon overstuffed with gunpowder was fired to welcome a Rajasthan minister, the incident left two dead and six injured.

No sooner had civil supplies minister Kirori Lal Meena arrived, the villagers fired the cannon in welcome, but the barrel of the more than two centuries-old gun - either rusted and unable to withstand the lit powder or because it was over-stuffed - exploded and two persons in its immediate vicinity, Devi Singh (55) and Murari (45), were grievously injured.

"They were taken to Sawai Man Singh hospital, where they were declared brought dead," said Mohan.

Following the mishap, the minister left the place in a huff and the officials present too disappeared. The relatives of the injured took them to a local hospital.

The minister returned to Jaipur on Tuesday night, and refused to speak to the media.

The relatives of the two dead men took away the bodies without post-mortem on Tuesday night. The police are probing how the hospital administration allowed the bodies to be taken out without post-mortem.

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Now why couldn't the silly buggers have simply used firecrackers? :roll:
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Re: 200-year-old cannon could not withstand impact

Post by art_collector » Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:02 am

.........we should thank them that they fired the small cannon .What would have happened if they had stuffed the huge cannon near Jaipur and tried firing it to salute the minister ?

Well most of the old cannons are pretty sturdy ...may be they stuffed with the new high quality gun powder instead of the gun powder used earlier. Wish some one manages to post the pictures of the burst cannon .Whats amazing is that no one even bothered top ask them . On one side they frisk people at rallies, put barriers on roads and here the top admisnistration guys didnt bother even to question the organisers what the hell they were upto. Strange absolutely strange.....


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Post by snIPer » Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:46 am

speaking of cannons - always wanted to get one of those oldies and store em at home - wonder if any are available for sale
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Re: 200-year-old cannon could not withstand impact

Post by sangi » Fri Nov 30, 2007 8:02 pm

Wish they had at least aimed it properly-at you know who!

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