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First IFG Hunt... :)

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 9:21 am
by conty1
Will definitely consider today as one of the best of my days. Left the house at 4 in the morning, picked up Inder and Mehul from Inder's room. Started from here at like 5 and got to Bremen at 7 (8 EST). Sharief was already there waiting for us. Got our licences and then headed to the Preserve. The guys there greeted us and took us to the hunting grounds. From there on end, all we did was shoot clay, shoot pheasants, eat, shoot some more pheasants and ended with shooting some 'corn clays'. Greeted Sharief off after a sandwich and coffee at Wendys before the rest of us 3 heading home.

I'll let the pictures and the other guys fill in on the details.

Enjoy.....Amit :) ... ure501.jpg ... ure530.jpg

(Replace 501 with 502, 503 etc all the way till 530)

Re: First IFG Hunt... :)

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 9:58 am
by mehulkamdar

I am too tired albeit pleasantly so and may not quite be able to post much now as I have to hit the sack and enjoy some of the sweetest dreams of my life about today's hunt. We enjoyed the day so much that all four of us who were there agree that it was among the most enjoyable days of our lives. If we have any regret, it is only that more friends did not get to join us.

The father and son team of Charlie and Lee Fritz of the Backwoods Preserve of Bremen Indiana and their guide Dan, their two beautiful dogs, Korda, a German Short Haired Pointer and Trouble, a Black Lab, guided us through a fantastic hunting experience. I think we would all say without reservation that we would happily recommend this company to anyone who wishes to hunt pheasant, quail or partridge in the Midwest.

By the evening we were close to exhaustion from hunting through the day and yet, we managed to return to our homes in one piece determined that this would be the first in a long line of IFG hunts. I hope that other members would join us in the future. We would love to have you guys and gals hunt with us and I can assure you that the experience would be one that you would treasure like we will today's hunt.

If you're still not convinced, a video of select portions of the hunt will be up shortly when Amit returns from India where he is due to travel soon. There would be many more pictures for you to enjoy in the days to come as we upload more to this page.

Our personal thanks to everyone who wished us luck and do join us the next time we go. We did miss you!


Re: First IFG Hunt... :)

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 11:06 am
by kanwar76
I ll post my comments when i ll finish eating my birds.... :)


Re: First IFG Hunt... :)

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 11:17 am
by HSharief
I'm too tired to post more details, I'll start with saying that the guys from left to right are: Inder, Amit, Mehul & Sharief. The guns are from left to right : Remington 1100 20ga, Remington 870, Browning "Light twelve" Auto 5 and Benelli SBE, all in 12ga.

In all by the end of the day, we got 21 birds out of 35 released. We missed way more than the remaining 14. Although, by Inder's math, he didn't miss any. The first picture is of our morning session where we got 10 (6 Roosters and 4 hens). It was a fantastic day, a lot of fun, a lot of walking, legs, hands and mouth hurt very bad.

More later, when I recover.... ;)

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 12:01 pm
by mundaire
Great pictures, glad to see you guys had a really good time! :)


Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 2:45 pm
by danish21
Great pics buddy... u all had a great time... nice to see you all in the pics.


Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 7:46 pm
by Sakobav
Nice one guys , wish was there


Re: First IFG Hunt... :)

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 8:19 pm
by mehulkamdar

Just woke up with my body feeling much better and the aches and pains almost gone. Goes to show what fantastic exercise hunting can be - Inder was telling us how happy he was last evening despite bones and musces that he didn't even know existed hurting. :lol: And now, even the seniormost member of the group is up and fit. So you now have one more reason to join us in the future - your own personal fitness. :mrgreen:


All of you gentlemen are most welcome whenever you come here. Just give us an opportunity to take you guys out hunting, guys! And this invitation is for every other member here as well.

Cheers everyone! We did miss all those who could not join!

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 9:16 pm
by eljefe
Glad to see your US trip has been educative-and I am sure the smile will last for a couple of months atleast! ;)
Enjoy and Safe huntying, God Bless.Next May, it'll be my turn , hopefully!

Re: First IFG Hunt... :)

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 9:49 pm
by Vikram
Congratulations everyone for having such a great outing.Most gratified to note the happy smiles. Great pics,too.

Mehul, Thanks for the repeated invitations.You are very kind.


Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 10:45 pm
by eljefe
Is that the 'designer' Glo orange jacket? ;)

Re: First IFG Hunt... :)

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:53 am
by Grumpy
Well done guys - I`m glad to read that you had a really great day.

Re: First IFG Hunt... :)

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:31 am
by kanwar76
Some More pics:




Re: First IFG Hunt... :)

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:45 am
by mehulkamdar

I am not the only one here inviting friends to hunt with us. The planning, preparations etc were made by Sharief. Amit even delayed his trip to India for his sister's wedding as he wanted to be with us. I can;t think of anyone more dedicated to hunting than that! And by virtue of being an IFG member you are automatically invited. 8)


Yes, it is the same Ralph Lauren blaze orange jacket. Our guide Dan expressed some surprise that I had something like that on and I told him that I had a young wife. He understood at once and just smiled. :lol:


Yes, we had a lot of fun, my friend. I hope we shall have the pleasure of your company on a hunt in the future.

Thanks again, everyone.


Re: First IFG Hunt... :)

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:47 pm
by Mack The Knife
Nice to see those smiles. Well done all!

There's something that's been intriguing me for sometime. Is it an American thing to refer to a shoot as a hunt?

Amit, anyway to view your pics without them adding to my url address book?

Mehul, shave that beard. You look like Rasputin! :mrgreen:

Are those release pens on the truck?

Does that empty cartridge on a branch signify something?

Mack The Knife