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Inder did well at his first round of trap

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:45 am
by mehulkamdar

We had another fun day at Naperville with Inder doing a good 11/25 at his very first time shooting trap with my A-5. As was to be expected, Amit did very well in that round scoring 21/25. I had to shoot in a different group as Inder was shooting my gun and I managed a not too bad 17/25. I should have done better...

It was a fun day and I think our friend is going to do very well in the years ahead.

Now, who's going to join us next?



Re: Inder did well at his first round of trap

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:07 am
by Mack The Knife
That is very good!

The first and only time I tried my hand at it I got a duck from 12 shots fired. No doubt the remaining 13 would have dusted the clays. :mrgreen:
Now, who's going to join us next? spirit. ;)

Mack The Knife

P.S.: Why only 25 rounds?

Re: Inder did well at his first round of trap

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:23 am
by mehulkamdar
Mack The Knife Bana";p="6638 wrote: Why only 25 rounds?
Mack The Knife,

The course is 5 people shooting 5 shots each from a position at the claybirds and then shifting to the next place on the line for another 5 shots and so on until 25 shots are completed. The scores are taken on the best of 25 and then you can have additional rounds. Inder and Amit shot two rounds and I could not do a second round as I was late at the club and they were about to close.

We hope to go out on Thursday evening as well, the other day of the week when the club is open, if all goes well.

Forget about being here in spirit - come here and we'll have fun shooting and then go out and have spirits. 8)



Re: Inder did well at his first round of trap

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:51 am
by Mack The Knife
Forget about being here in spirit - come here and we'll have fun shooting and then go out and have spirits.

You do understand that if I come over it wont be for any of this airy-fairy range shooting, don't you? Well, not all the time.


Re: Inder did well at his first round of trap

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:46 am
by kanwar76
Thanks Guys for the encouragement,

But I think I got lucky that’s it…. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
Mack The Knife Bana";p="6644 wrote:You do understand that if I come over it wont be for any of this airy-fairy range shooting, don't you? Well, not all the time.
Wait for the pics after 16th :wink:


Re: Inder did well at his first round of trap

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:07 am
by Ranjeet Singh
Hi Guys,

I must say you guys are very good, The highest I score I ever managed was 18/25....on olympic trap and that was after quite a bit of coaching and practice..

The first time I shot, I was shooting on a slower range and even then I got only 3..


Re: Inder did well at his first round of trap

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 12:13 pm
by mehulkamdar

You have to see Amit shoot. He is very good at trap and at 5 tower clays. Inder has just started shooting and, considering his enthusiasm, he is also sure to be very good as the years go by. I try to do what I can. I also guess that a lot of shooting a shotgun is based on how well the gun fits you and points in your hands. An overly long or short stock could make any skilled shooter miss a lot. Also, as we lead shooters realised the first time we shot steel shot, there is a significant difference in the final patterns.

I am sure that in Germany there are some superb coaches - that is a country with fantastic shooting traditions, after all, and if you find a good coach and get a good gun that suits your physique and your style, you would do much better.

Of course, if you come to the US and to Chicago in particular, you would be most welcome to shoot with us.



Re: Inder did well at his first round of trap

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:14 pm
by Ranjeet Singh
Hi Mehul,

Thanks for the offer, If I land in US, I'll surely take the offer and yeah the gun fit point couldn't be more important. However as I do not own a shotgun, I rent it from the range and I have taking the same shotgun..

Germany though a good place for shooting sports, Munich has only one range and is open on 3 days a week, I can make it only on saturdays as other days I am working..

Well, i am getting better and hopefully, I'll consistently manage 20s..


Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 3:03 am
by Satpal_S

In trap/skeet the idea is to have fun. Some folks break their backs to get perfect scores, smart people move on to Bullshit and Beer after a round or two.


Re: Inder did well at his first round of trap

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 3:57 am
by kanwar76
Mr. Satpal,

I agree with your views on trap/skeet shooting. I even think it’s applicable to all type of shooting but I also think that good score on the range can always give you an extra bit of confidence in the field.

I may be wrong as I don’t have any experience of hunting with a shotgun.


Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:33 am
by Satpal_S
Hi Inder

What I mean is once you reach 18/25--23/25 range. It will happen quickly for you, believe me. Then you may diversify to other things. Skeet, Rifle, Golf, Hunting, Fishing, Off-roading, Sports, R/C plane flying etc.. The recreational possibilities in America are endless.

But whatever you do, it just feels better in the company of friends, followed by a peg or two.

Have Fun!!!


Re: Inder did well at his first round of trap

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:42 am
by mehulkamdar

Scroll up a little and read my response to Mack The Knife Quote [Forget about being here in spirit - come here and we'll have fun shooting and then go out and have spirits.] End quote.

That still does not mean that putting in a good shooting performance is not desirable. Indeed, I think Inder needs encouragement for starting off so well. He aslo has the previlege of buying us beer because he has shot so well. :mrgreen:

We're hardly different in how we look at the game.



Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:44 am
by Satpal_S
Hi Mehul,

I am all for shooting well. I was a trap nut myself once. Starting with my Remington 870 and scores of 18/25--20/25. One year later I was shooting 97/100 or higher every saturday and Sunday. Had to move on to handicap and trap doubles to lower my score. Had also aquired an expensive Beretta O/U Trapgun in the process. But the fun was gone, I was too pre-occupied with guns, chokes (Brileys etc.), special loads, technique etc. Also my back hurt perpetually from all the shooting, tried every recoil reduction aid, barrel porting, decelerator recoil pads, Mercury reciol reducer, shoulder pads etc.. This went on for 10 years.

That is when I diversified into skeet and other things. Now I own just one Beretta 686 O/U Sporting gun in 20 gauge. Shoot Trap, Skeet, Slugs and do all my hunting with it. The gun is sweet to handle (Low recoil). I can still manage 23+/25 at trap with the 20 gauge(7/8 oz,size 8 shot). Targets are not powdered but break well.

Now it is 2 rounds Trap/Skeet, followed by 50 rounds of 40 S&W Pistol. Followed by a couple of rounds of Golf at the adjoining greens. Then I am off to the R/C airport to fly my airplanes.

All this is done in the company of my friends. We end the day with a few pints and a hearty dinner.

So I was not putting Inder off just referring him to the many possibilities of recreation with a light spirit.

Bye for now


Re: Inder did well at his first round of trap

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 11:30 am
by Mack The Knife
Mehul, there may have been a misunderstanding. You and Satpal seem to be reading off the same hymn sheet except that you weren't paying attention. :mrgreen:

Anyway, having been on both sides of the fence - as a gong hunter and shooting just for the fun of it, I will take the latter any old day.

Also, Satpal has hit just the right note about having good company.

Mack The Knife

Re: Inder did well at his first round of trap

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 11:50 am
by kanwar76
Hey...hey...hey... I never thought this post will head this way....

We shoot gun because we enjoy shooting them, we hunt because we love outdoors, we love being with friends. Thats what this whole groups is about isn't it. I am not trying to be a gong hunter. I am just trying to be a good shooter and I don't think I will ever get bored of doing this.......

And Golf..nahhhhh.. been there done that .. too boring for me... :D

Chill out guys and have fun...


PS: Mehul you and everybody else is always welcome for beers anytime...even at daytime..what ya say Amit :mrgreen: