The long overdue CMG Mumbai’s outing got on the roll for an overnight trip to KIHIM a laid back seaside village120kms away from Mumbai. The expected quorum of 8 dropped to 4 what with last minute family obligations taking its toll.
Nevertheless the Die-Hard Quattro of ASHISH (the host par excellence), ESSDEE, KSHITIJ and yours truly (BRIHA) hit the trail at 6.30am on Saturday the 23rd Jan 2016. The wind was breezy & weather balmy and the ride as smooth as can be while we listened to some peppy vintage songs all the way!

Host Par Excellence!
Soon our stomachs signalled that it was time for a stopover for breakfast and following ASHISH’S recommendation we pulled over to a KONKAN MAHARASHTRIAN eatery to fortify ourselves with some traditional fare of piping hot BATATA VADAS, FLUFFY PAOS, SPICY MISAL, CRISP SABUDHANA PATTIES ALL WASHED DOWN WITH HOT MASALA CHAI.
On the way we passed the historically famous hillock / knoll from where the erstwhile brave Maharashtra warrior general BALWANTRAO PHADKE vanquished the British & Moghul insurgents. With a silent prayer for his soul to rest in peace we proceeded bypassing several tiny fishing villages & hamlets and arrived at 12.30 pm at the gates of AHSISH’s farm house.

Lo & behold it was picture perfect, a 3 bedroom tile roofed cottage that stood amidst several coconut & mango trees and surrounded by flower beds and green shrubbery. Being a stone’s throw away from the seashore we could hear the gentle lapping of waves and the call of seagulls in flight.

We soon unpacked the ARs & APs and the air was rented with THAWKS that smashed to smithereens the bottles, bottle caps & cans that were tied to the coconut trees 25 metres away. The soul satisfying factor was that even tiny bottle necks & caps found their mark. Two glorious hours passed by and it was time to quench our thirst with some chilled FROTHIES that ASHISH had so thoughtfully arranged.

After a laid back chat on the merits & de-merits of various blades & arms we took a short walk and headed for a lip smacking / finger licking lunch that consisted of HOT ROTIS, BUTTER SAUTEED CHICKEN NUGGETS AND PRAWN GUSSI (a local speciality of shrimps cooked in coconut milk). Now with our bodies, mind & soul at peace we crashed for a delightful nap....
Late in the evening we strolled towards the beach and stopped at a wayside kiosk for a refreshing cup of CHAI. It was low tide and the sun had begun to dip that cast silhouettes of Para gliders, pony & buggy riders along the beach. It was peace & serenity written all over as we beach-combed for a while before heading back.

After a quick shower & change we paid our respects to Mr. John who had walked for 12 years clothed in a Black Cape – the conversation that filled the gap between sips were pure knowledge / experience sharing each one’s experience of earlier treks to the upper & northeast Indian borders of the Himalayas...the topics ranged from culture, clothing, cuisine, music and what have you!
Needless to mention the food & beverage soon began to take its toll, as we struggled to keep our eyelids open, as we gently changed our postures from being vertical to horizontal! Just five minutes later as the gentleness of sleep began to embrace me, there was this unmistakable feeling of being present in a ‘Saw Mill’ as my dear companions, KSHITIJ & ESSDEE began their rhythmic snoring and poor me had no choice but to silently keep time with their sonorous breathing!!!! Thus ended Day 1 of our tryst in Kihim!!!!
Day 2 began with an energizing breakfast of omelettes, toast and tea at 8am after which the Quartos hit the trail to take a gander at an old abandoned (Portuguese) fort 20kms away. The ride traced the route along the backwaters & open fields lined with old wooden beamed houses with extended balconies still populated. On arrival we were taken aback by the scenic beauty that surrounded the crumbling ramparts strewn with discarded canons amidst creepers and lantanas.

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The view across the bay through a canopy of coconut trees brought back old tales of ships that blasted cannon balls across the choppy waters, battle cries and the clash of steel blades. We wished that the department of archaeology would pay some attention to restore the crumbling walls & de-weed the surroundings. The presence of a registered guide would indeed have added in gaining some knowledge of the valour filled events that took place a few centuries ago.
It was then time to say good bye to KIHIM and head home. The light lunch soon after was followed by a stopover at a “three quarter century old” soda fountain established & still run by the 3rd generation of an old Jewish Family – the SAMSONS whose speciality is the rose flavoured “Ice Cream Soda” made even today by its erstwhile founder David Samson’s formula!!! It was delicious & refreshing which kept us awake and in good mood till we reached our respective homes!

KIHIM AHOY was truly a memorable outing that will remain embedded in our memories for A LONG TIME!!!!