Churi Mochi Gang (CMG) Mumbai Outing!

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Churi Mochi Gang (CMG) Mumbai Outing!

Post by brihacharan » Mon May 11, 2015 11:01 am

The die-hard group aka CMG Mumbai had an outing last Saturday 9th may 2015....
The venue happened to be at the Precihole's new factory premises...
The meet was all about ARs, Shooting, Pellets and all that concerning the shooting sport....
One of the highlights was Precihole's soon to be launched "Air Pistols"....
An amazing experience when all of us went bang bang at their indoor 3 lane shooting gallery....

Back Row - Kshitij, Pratik, Brig.Xerxes(Lanceman), Ashish, Essdee (Shoubhik) & Amol (Airgun Novice)
Front Seated - Doc. Shirsat of Precihole, Briha, Basav (Slingshot)
& Aizaz (AK49)

Basav testing out his NX100 & Brig. trying out the Pistol at Preci's 3 lane indoor 10 mtr range

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Re: Churi Mochi Gang (CMG) Mumbai Outing!

Post by slingshot » Mon May 11, 2015 12:17 pm

We had a wonderful time. I can't seem to be able to attach any other pictures.
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Re: Churi Mochi Gang (CMG) Mumbai Outing!

Post by essdee1972 » Mon May 11, 2015 12:25 pm

Had a really good time. The shooting, as always, is secondary. Meeting a bunch of like-minded people, as they say, is priceless!

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Re: Churi Mochi Gang (CMG) Mumbai Outing!

Post by kshitij » Mon May 11, 2015 12:43 pm

Had a good time meeting up with everyone. The hours flew without notice :D
Thanks to the precihole team for having us over :cheers:

@slingshot, guess there is some issue with the boards uploading quota. I too faced similar problems. You gotta upload the images on another host (flickr/photobucket) and then share them here.
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Re: Churi Mochi Gang (CMG) Mumbai Outing!

Post by Baljit » Tue May 12, 2015 2:59 am

Wow!!! looks like all of you guy's had a great time together, keep it up guy's.


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Re: Churi Mochi Gang (CMG) Mumbai Outing!

Post by xl_target » Tue May 12, 2015 3:49 am

Wow! So great to see almost the whole gang in attendance.
You guys couldn't convince Moin to attend?
Even the Brigadier made it there.

Thanks for posting those photos, Brihaji.
How about some close-ups of the Precihole's new products?
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Re: Churi Mochi Gang (CMG) Mumbai Outing!

Post by timmy » Tue May 12, 2015 3:59 am

That sure looks like fun to me! You gentlemen have a very nice group. I'm envious!

Thanks for posting!
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Re: Churi Mochi Gang (CMG) Mumbai Outing!

Post by astronomy.domaine » Tue May 12, 2015 5:47 am

Wow! Can just imagine the awesome vibe at the gathering with all you folks together..! :)

I would also like to second @xl_target's request. A sneak peek at Precihole APs, please!
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Re: Churi Mochi Gang (CMG) Mumbai Outing!

Post by kalashnikovcult » Tue May 12, 2015 10:29 am

Missing all of the action...and by the way where is Moin ?
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Re: Churi Mochi Gang (CMG) Mumbai Outing!

Post by brihacharan » Tue May 12, 2015 10:29 am

xl_target wrote:Wow! So great to see almost the whole gang in attendance.
You guys couldn't convince Moin to attend?
Even the Brigadier made it there.
Thanks for posting those photos, Brihaji.
How about some close-ups of the Precihole's new products?
Yes! The CMG meet was long overdue & Precihole's invitation made it happen :D
Moin is presently in Ahmedabad (Job Transfer) hence couldn't make it....
Hold on to your 'wishes' (If wishes were horses :lol: ) CU's of Precihole's new products will be posted asap!

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Re: Churi Mochi Gang (CMG) Mumbai Outing!

Post by airgun_novice » Tue May 12, 2015 5:13 pm

Dear all,

What a feeling !!! Meeting with y'all of CMG. Though we stay in touch with each other over the phone/ WA and all that personal interaction simply beats the technology in terms of emotions and the depth of ecstasy. CMG y'all rock and thus may we continue to roll. ;-)

What to say of PH office ? It's simply but tastefully designed that makes you feel at ease and yet does not lose sight of its direction - that is innovation in terms of air guns and related products. One wall as in prior location is dedicated solely to the products in market and in pipeline. The decor not only covers the karbins and nitro-piston and the spring products but also springs up with the odd surprise element of riding boots a camp ax a telescope and those peep sights !

Peep sights ??? Yup, we shall soon see quality India produced peep sights in the markets which will turn those .177 into actuall competition tools for adults ... at a wonderfully low price level. I must add my disclaimer that entry and mid level products even with quality peep sights do not stand against those wonderfully crafted products from Walter/ FWD or Ahg. But now these innovations will let you, the novice, to stand beside them in club/ district level competitions and actually compete with them. And hey, you simply might find yourself in a good position ... after the results are declared. ;-)

Air Pistols far better than Indian products I have used are in pipeline - alas, we could only shoot .22. .177 are still getting assembled and expected to join their .22 brethren soon. What power these little bunnies pack. Imagine .22 shoot over 10m consistently and with purpose. I own a .22 air pistol from IHP and I kid thee not the PH .22 thrilled me more. Of course, these are for general pleasure and not for winning a round metal at any competitive event. Do not jump the guns, the horses or the forum with "But can they be modified?" types questions. :-) Sure sure - go ahead - build a howitzer outta one, if you can. I am simply satisfied with the bang in my hands and the bang for bucks in my pockets. (Nopes, I have not booked any yet <- disclaimer LOL )

Topic that came up for discussion and feedback was about some complaints regarding the quality of .22 pellets recently found in some parts of market and guess what - strong attention is getting paid. Does that mean PH will add in a separate production line and hereafter Precipellets will be manufactured at home under an observant QA team ? Such an initiative takes time and INVESTMENT. While initial investment is large and prompt the returns thereon take time... often years. So such capital intensive decisions be best left to the Company.

The Indian shooting fraternity have put in a lot of faith in PH in a very short time. Now we also put in a lot of expectations. We never bothered lecturing any of the AR producing companies about the quality of their products. We never bothered lecturing AP producing companies on how the pellet shot from their products is expected to to traverse at least 10m and hit the spot somewhat accurately. We never lectured most of pellet producers on how the skirt should be round and uniform or how the heads should be un-dented or how uniform the weight of individual pellet must be. And yet we expect a lot and *everything* from PH. Are we harsh on them ? Well, may be. And why not ??? PH aimed and has delivered products above the average of what we got till date and rather consistently. So it is but natural that we desire for more - "yeh dil maange more". :-) It may not be our right nor even our privilege but definitely our desire to see the shooting landscape of air gun industry change for better. Let happy days continue to be here for us - let PH continue to show us some "acchhe din". ;-)

But what I await and patiently so is the real treat - the PCP. Will the PCP AR be followed by a PCP AP ? For that I keep my fingers crossed.

DISCLAMER: My 2 cents worth of thoughts and musings. They might be music to some ears and cacophony to some others. Irrespective - the standard disclaimers apply. :-)

And yes, Moin we missed you. Hope you have learnt to make as good a "dhokla" as a knife by now. ROTFL


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Re: Churi Mochi Gang (CMG) Mumbai Outing!

Post by AK49 » Mon May 18, 2015 11:14 am

Hi everybody,
It has been a long long time since I logged in. It was wonderful to meet all the members and thanks to PH for hosting us and to let us try soon to be launched APs. And AGN your wirteup is like as they here 'ek ticket me do show" it doubles the pleasure.

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Re: Churi Mochi Gang (CMG) Mumbai Outing!

Post by sa_ali » Mon May 18, 2015 12:53 pm

this is great pic, faces to all the gurus :)

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Re: Churi Mochi Gang (CMG) Mumbai Outing!

Post by essdee1972 » Tue May 19, 2015 11:09 am

Just to clarify, the AR I am holding is not a Precihole. This is the famous BSA Model 3 from 1920s, once owned by our friend TC, now the pride of my "gun room" (in reality a few wall hooks!!).

Will put up pictures soon. ("soon" is a relative concept!!)

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Re: Churi Mochi Gang (CMG) Mumbai Outing!

Post by AgentDoubleS » Tue May 19, 2015 10:18 pm

This looks like an absolutely fantastic outing. The expression in those pictures says it all. Envious gentlemen! I'm really envious!
Keep the pictures and stories rolling and kudos to all of you for such camaraderie.


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