Hi Guys!
If the proverbial “4Ps” be the pillars to most marketing initiatives, I would then unconditionally opine that the “3Es” are the primeval paradigms to most unplanned & spontaneous outings – ENTHUSIASM, ENERGY & ENTERPRISE!!!
On last Saturday night just as I finished my dinner, were 2 calls waiting from fellow IFGians Kshitij & Ankesh….When I touched base with them their response was:
Hey Brihaji be ready with your lock, stock & single barrel – will pick you up at 7am tomorrow for a day out plinking…
7am on the dot Kshitij was at my doorstep, on the way picked up Ankesh & later Rahul another IFGian whom we met for the first time as he had expressed his desire to join us…
With our stomachs rumbling we downed a quick breakfast of Hominy Grits (Upma) & Indian Donuts (Medu Vada) soaked in Sambhar (spicy lentil gravy) which was washed down with cups of hot cardamom flavored tea….
Satiated we then hit the trail….on the way (halfway to our usual plinking spot) both Ankesh & Kshitij came out with this brilliant proposal….Lets head for JAPA & do a Recce’ – what say Brihaji as none of them had been there earlier….
With a clear road on a Sunday morning the temptation was over powering – So JAPA it was!!!!
At 10am we entered the precincts of JAPA to find Rohan the owner of the 35+ acre semi pristine forest area where he conducts a riding school…
We found Rohan with his team of scythes & a few horses in an open patch inducting 10 year old boys & girls into the fine art of riding….
After introductions & a bear hug with yours truly (Rohan happens to be an old friend) he led us to a thatched roof gazebo to exchange some small talk….
Kshitij, Ankesh & Rahul were literally dumbstruck looking at & taking in the ambience….greenery all around, soft cool breeze blowing & the best of all to see young foals running around, Mary a giant Sow heading towards a water trough followed by a proverbial little lamb, a flock of geese ambling their way around, an inquisitive EMU peering over its pen, turkeys preening themselves, a pair of unusual black Rabbits munching their celery bits and last but not the least 4 exotic canine breeds warming themselves in the early morning sun….apparently least interested in what was going on around them!!!
It was then that I heard the unmistakable sweet avian sound in an almost near human voice calling out “Hello”!!!! Turning around I saw this exotic white feathered “Cockatoo” perched on a tree limb close by!!!!
In a jiffy it flew & perched on Rohan’s shoulder…who then introduced me to it whereupon it hopped on to my shoulder, nibbled at my ear & cooed “Hello” to me!!! It was a thrilling experience for me!!!

Made me feel like "Long John Silver" from Treasure Island!!!
After a cup of refreshing hot tea we brought in our “pellet spewers” – Ksitij his Precihole NX100 in 22cal with a 4X Walther scope, Ankesh his Hatsan AT54 in 0.177cal with 3 x 9 variable Mauser scope & yours truly with my custom built Turboshot in 22cal with a 4 x 12 variable Bushnell scope.

L to R Kshitij - Briha - Ankesh / War Lords on the prowl!!!!
Rohan then set up a ‘flipper target’ at 50yds for us go thwak, thuk & bang & went about overseeing his brood learning their equestrian skills!!!!

Yours truly getting the crosshairs on to the flipper - Tough task!!!!

The newbee 'Rahul' getting the hang of it - did he get it - 3 out of 5 - beginners luck????

Dont be taken away by Ankesh's antics - He is taking a bean on a wild fruit 30ft up on a tree!!!
2 hours went past without none of us realizing it, maybe because the calm & peace all around had this soothing effect while we were busy shooting to glory!!!
Well, all things have to come to an end, and it was time to take leave of Rohan and head homeward… A stop over for a quick lunch of burgers & coke we drove home having spent a delightful & soul satisfying Sunday ….

L to R - Rahul, Ankesh, Briha, Rohan, Kshitij - Birds of the same feather!!!!!!
You guys must be wondering - not seeing the pic of Kshitij shooting - actually during the photoshoot, he had better things to do - Watching the resident Rooster chasing a plumb Hen that had wandered in from the next compond

Nevertheless Kshitij scored more hits than any one of us with his PH NX100 - what's more- with his newly acquired match pistol he sent the cap of a pellet container flipping 3 times in succession at 10 metres

PS: Ksitij & Ankesh have taken the onus to conduct the next JAPA Meet sometime in Jan 2015….Stay tuned for registration details!!!
