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Delhi Darlings IFG Evening

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 11:53 pm
by spacetraveller
It would be nice to have a Delhi IFG evening get-together. :idea: Beer and Biryani etc.
I could assist with providing a central location if the crowd is not more than fifty.
Please let me know if you think its workable.
At the moment I am still in Berlin and had a couple of rounds at the trap range here. Thanks to IFG member Ranjeet Singh's encouragement I kept trying till I finally got a contact. :D !
Awaiting your comment.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:00 am
by mundaire
Thank you for your offer Spacetraveller :) Sounds like an excellent idea - what say Delhi members? Please pipe in now and confirm your attendance on this thread!


P.S. - When are you back in town? So that we can get a better fix on tentative dates...

Re: New Delhi IFG Evening

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:13 pm
by Risala
Look forward to it,count me in :)


Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 6:55 pm
by spacetraveller
Poor response for the Delhi IFG evening. :(
Do you want to do a general annoncement to get some more response or should we just meet up sometime next week. I suggest Wednesday 11th July. Time and venue can be sent by PM if you agree. :lol:
Please let me know.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:04 pm
by mundaire

Hopefully, we should have the usual suspects (Sanjay, Asif, Dev, Anupam, me) ;) We guys meet from time to time anyhow... but yes, it is disappointing to see that not many others seem too keen to shed the cloak of anonymity to hook up with fellow enthusiasts...

Send me a PM and let me contact others with whom I am in direct touch... Some may be put off by your anonymous ID (no offence intended) and a personal message should help ally those concerns...


Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 5:55 am
by Sakobav
Have fun guys..

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 7:28 pm
by Olly
Great evening coming up... !!! I'm in...

New Delhi IFG Evening

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:58 pm
by spacetraveller
Hope you recd my PMs
Is the Delhi IFG Evening on for the 11th July or do we postpone.
Pls let me know :?:

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:46 pm
by eljefe
I'm in -ST, pl delete your additional posts.

Re: New Delhi IFG Evening

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:52 pm
by Risala
And I was going to call you & Dev regarding the same.

Am in too.

How is the week end lookin.....the PHG.Try and make it.


Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:28 pm
by dev
Count me in...magic words them biryani and beer. Now if we could combine that with fishing. I would be willing to dump the beer. ;-)


Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:32 am
by eljefe
Dev, I, Sanjay, Anupam and Abhijeet IN
usual time -8pm
Place -Saket? kind of midway for Sanjay?
Abhijeet knows this awesome dhaba, 20 feet wide and 300 ft deep, serves great food...
Anyone else? feel free to join in. Please confirm here

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 12:16 pm
by dev
Gllleeeaaat dhaba food finally. Hey Jeffe remember the new friends place where we had biryani? If this place is half as good...yum...


Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:05 pm
by Sid_kapur30
would love to join but got no rifle with me is it ok plus could you guys please elaborate as to what is it that you guys do at these outings


Re: Delhi Darlings IFG Evening

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:20 pm
by Risala
:lol: :lol: :lol: for a few beers you dont want to hit the place do you :wink: :lol:

Come along it's just some B & B

