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Rifle Association of Andhra Pradesh
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:43 pm
by mundaire
Secretary General
Rifle Association of Andhra Pradesh,
4-3-352, Bank street,
Koti Hydrabad-500095
Re: Rifle Association of Andhra Pradesh
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:36 pm
by Frank
Hi: Could you please give me the contact of Rifle Association of Andhra Pradesh. I wish to pursue my hobby in Air Gun Shooting.
Can someone guide me to joining State Rifle assoc-Hyderabaad
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 8:28 am
by xbox360
If someone has expereince in joining the AP rifle association, can you please post your expereince and list out the steps for our benefit.
Also for HYD folks-- have you imported an airgun by courier/postal route to HYD? I am planning to do so, and will like to learn from your expereince.
Re: Can someone guide me to joining State Rifle assoc-Hydera
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:31 am
by HydNawab
You can call up the Rifle Association of AP or you can download the membership from its site
The person incharge for membership is Mr.RajKumar.
I am a life member of the association and a major advantage is that you can use the range and you can borrow guns for practice provided you have an Arms license.You can obviously use the air guns at the range.
I would suggest that you dont even think about getting the air rifle through the postal service.I did the same mistake once and my Beretta .177 CO2 pistol supposedly landed in Mumbai and they cant trace it right now.
Re: Can someone guide me to joining State Rifle assoc-Hydera
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:06 pm
by xbox360
HydNawab";p="39910 wrote:Hi
You can call up the Rifle Association of AP or you can download the membership from its site
The person incharge for membership is Mr.RajKumar.
I am a life member of the association and a major advantage is that you can use the range and you can borrow guns for practice provided you have an Arms license.You can obviously use the air guns at the range.
I would suggest that you dont even think about getting the air rifle through the postal service.I did the same mistake once and my Beretta .177 CO2 pistol supposedly landed in Mumbai and they cant trace it right now.
Thanks Ashar for your response. Can you please tell me if i take the life time/annual membership of RAAP today, can this be tranferred when say i shift to Delhi after a few years.
Does NRAI membership get you all the benefits at the HYD range as the RAAP members? In that case if you are not sure you will remian in one state does NRAI membership work out better?
Re: Rifle Association of Andhra Pradesh
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:48 pm
by HydNawab
They do take annual and life memberships and its of great help if you want to apply for an Arms License later.You cannot shoot at the range of you are not a member of the RAAP or the NRAI.It is better to have both memberships so as to exclude any unnecessary hassels. If you want to shoot in Delhi later, I advise that you take the NRAI membership.This allows you to shoot anywhere in India at all their registered ranges and associations.
Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:59 pm
by Zafar
Aadab to the Nawab
Annual Student Member : Rs.1000/- Renewal : Rs.300/- P.A.
hey ashar can you explain the student membership, does it mean you have to be a student of a college or a student of rifle asso. if it is a student of college could it be a college in maharashtra?
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 1:47 pm
by rama
I spoke to RajKumar of RAAP, I understood that they are not conducting any training now a days. I visited SAAP shooting range in Gatchibowli, happened to speak with Ramesh(Dept. Director). Ramesh asked me to contact after 10 days as there is no Trainer available now.
Is there any other club in Hyderabad where I could learn rifle shooting?
I was in NCC few years back and had exposure to .22 rifle.
Now I work for IBM in Hi-tech city Hyderabad. I love to develop this sport.
Please suggest
I am reachable at Please do not give personal contact information on public forums.Use PM.Also, for a first post,please introduce yourself in the introductions and then start posting in the relevant sections.Thanks-Moderator
Re: Rifle Association of Andhra Pradesh
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 5:16 pm
by perazzi
Ashar ,
Unfortunately one cannot shoot at the Karni Singh range just with either a NRAI or DSRA membership.
One has to take up the range membership as its run by SAI.
Although i am a life member of both NRAI & DSRA , in my experience there is little or no benefit of the NRAI membership and DSRA is good to the extent that one can get ammo issued at the range (on certain days only) and leave after depositing the empties.
Cheers Rohit.
Re: Rifle Association of Andhra Pradesh
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:52 pm
by HydNawab
I am not really sure if you will be able to hire a coach for rifle shooting here in Hyderabad.I can speak with 2-3 fellow shooters if they can take 3-4 training sessions.Give me some time and I will let you know.If you want to take up skeet or trap, I am sure the senior shooters can give you a few pointers.Rifle shooting might be a problem.Still will let you know.
Rohit, I agree with you about the membership for the NRAI.Its just a plus point if you want to apply for an additional weapon or extend your area validity on the license.
Zafar, I dont think you will be able to take student membership of RAAP if you are a student in Maharashtra.If you want to shoot at the range, you can take either the annual membership or the lifetime membership.
rifle association of andhra pradesh (raap)
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:05 am
by rao
hi friends,
i'm from hyderabad and would like to enrol for the membership of the raap.
i need an introduction from an existing member. would somebody be please kind enough to introduce me? or could you atleast share contact information of any members (with their consent of course)
Re: Rifle Association of Andhra Pradesh
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:16 am
by rao
hi friends,
i'm from hyderabad and would like to enrol for the membership of the raap.
i need an introduction from an existing member. would somebody be please kind enough to introduce me? or could you atleast share contact information of any members (with their consent of course)
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:33 am
by mundaire
rao";p="51280 wrote:
hi friends,
i'm from hyderabad and would like to enrol for the membership of the raap.
i need an introduction from an existing member. would somebody be please kind enough to introduce me? or could you atleast share contact information of any members (with their consent of course)
Threads merged.
Rao, THREE threads on the same subject??!!

Please familiarise yourself on how to post on online forums PRIOR to starting any fresh threads here... there are a couple of helpful links in the welcome PM (private message) you would have received on signing up here. Do take the time to go through the information on those pages - it will allow you to derive maximum benefit from your interactions here, while minimising needless friction (caused due to unfamiliarity with online forum etiquette).
Re: Rifle Association of Andhra Pradesh
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:39 am
by rao
apology for that.
thanks any way abhijeet.
will sure do that.
Need details about Shooting clubs in Hyderabad
Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:17 pm
by k2bfrm83
Hi Shooters,
This is Bala from Hyderabad. I was a shooter of .22 mm 2 years back and represented AP in National level competitions conducted by NCC 3 years back.
Later due to some constraints I was not in a position to take along the sport.
But now I am in a better position, I wanna get back to my sport. But how?
How can I get the details of the Clubs in Hyderabad. I googled with all possible perms and combi and found this forum which was very helpful.
Can anyone of u suggest me how can I get in touch with the club members and continue from there.
Thank you all in advance.